Gov. Bill Lee Launches New Partnership to Combat Human Trafficking


The State of Tennessee is partnering with multiple organizations to help combat human trafficking, Governor Bill Lee announced on Thursday.

According to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation’s project,, this form of modern-day slavery is one of the fastest growing crimes throughout the state and country as a whole. Further, cases of human trafficking have been reported in every county in Tennessee.

“I’m excited to invest in and partner with these remarkable organizations that are at the forefront of this important fight. Human trafficking has no place in our state, and I’m proud to support our law enforcement and non-profit partners,” Governor Lee said.

The annual budget for the state included over $5 million for these key initiatives. This funding has allowed the state to expand its operations and help save victims of human trafficking.

“At its core, human trafficking is an attack on the dignity of every human being & together we can end it,” Lee added in a tweet.

End Slavery Tennessee, Her Song, Tennessee Anti-Slavery Alliance, and Thistle Farms – the four organizations receiving funds in the enhanced partnership – joined Lee at the State Capitol on Thursday to further discuss the issue facing Tennesseans across the state .

Her Song is a ministry of the Tim Tebow Foundation. At the meeting, Tebow said, “Thank you to Gov. Lee and the many organizations in Tennessee that have been working so hard to reach some of the most vulnerable people in our country. Right now, there are only enough safe beds to serve 10 percent of trafficking victims here in the US – we can no longer let this be the case.”

Each of the partnering organization expressed that, due to the new state partnership, they will be able to expand their operations to help the victims of human trafficking.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Bill Lee” by Bill Lee.









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One Thought to “Gov. Bill Lee Launches New Partnership to Combat Human Trafficking”

  1. william delzell

    If the good governor is serious about stopping human trafficking, he would pressure his fellow Republicans to make Latin America more livable for its fleeing citizens so that they would GLADLY return to their homes. He would also punish employers instead of employees who promote this trafficking! Truth be told, Lee only cares about his rich Tea Party pals.


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