Governor Lee Signs Executive Order Creating ‘Tri-Stars and Stripes’ Council Ahead of Independence Day

Governor Bill Lee signed an executive order on Monday to reconstitute an existing council in order to “position Tennessee to lead the nation as the best state for service members, veterans and their families to thrive.”

Executive Order 102 reconstitutes former Governor Bill Haslam’s Council for Armed Forces, Veterans, and their Families as Tri-Stars and Stripes: The Governor’s Council for Service Members, Veterans and Their Families.

The governor’s reconstituted Council will “support current and former service members, including veteran transition and employment, workforce development and important resources for military families,” according to Lee’s office.

Tri-Stars and Stripes: The Governor’s Council for Service Members, Veterans and Their Families will consist of 13 members, including members of the Lee administration, the Tennessee General Assembly, local leaders, key veterans service organizations, and a military family representative, according to Lee’s office.

The Council, required to submit a strategic plan to Lee by January 1, 2024, will be tasked with:

  • Increasing coordination between all state agencies related to military and veterans;
  • Ensuring collaboration of key public and private military and veterans programs; and
  • Promoting Tennessee as the best state in the nation for military and veterans by pursuing strategic initiatives to enhance their quality of life.

“As we gather with friends and family to celebrate our great nation this Independence Day, we must also remember that freedom is not free – it has been hard-won and hard-kept by veterans and members of our armed forces,” Lee said in a video statement. “These brave men and women deserve our highest respect and strongest support, and today, I’m signing an executive order that will continue our work to make Tennessee the best state in the nation for service members, veterans and their families to thrive.”

Approximately 8.5 percent of Tennessee’s population are veterans, according to 2018 census data.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network.



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2 Thoughts to “Governor Lee Signs Executive Order Creating ‘Tri-Stars and Stripes’ Council Ahead of Independence Day”

  1. Horatio Bunce

    “…Tennessee to lead the nation as the best state for service members, veterans and their families to thrive.”

    Lockdown Lee did absolutely nothing for the national guard members in Tennessee during his own covid-mania. He bowed the knee to Fauci, Birx and Biden, allowing the forced killer clot shots on them. Same as he did for all federal contractors at Oak Ridge. He couldn’t bring himself to counter Biden’s illegal medical experiments with unapproved gene therapy. It was and still is a violation of existing federal law to force unapproved “emergency use only” medical experiments on anyone without right of refusal. It’s why Biden never simply “executive ordered” the whole country to be medical slaves to Gates/Moderna/Pfizer. Biden depended on weak state-level yes-men like Lockdown Lee to carry out his threats. Why would anyone want to serve in the gay-tranny military at all and especially when you know Lockdown Lee and the Pfizer Contingent in the TNGOP don’t have your back? He’s busy being a domestic enemy of the U.S. Constitution and pushing for disarming Americans.

  2. Joe Blow

    We need a council to counteract all of the councils, committees and task forces that Lee has use to bloat the state government.
