Hambrick Family Attorney Goes Off the Rails in WTN Interview on Police Shooting

WTN radio’s Dan Mandis tried to hold a reasoned debate with the attorney representing the family of a man who was shot and killed by Metro Nashville Police last month.

Mandis hosted attorney Joy Kimbrough on his Super Talk 99.7 program Monday. The audio is available here. Kimbrough represents the family of Daniel Hambrick.

Video shows Metro Officer Andrew Delke shooting and killing Hambrick as he was running away on July 26, News Channel 5 said.

The video is available here on the Nashville Scene.

The surveillance video obtained from nearby Martin Luther King Jr. Magnet High School shows the shooting near the intersection of 17th Avenue North and Jo Johnston Avenue on the evening of July 26, the Scene said.

Criminal history

Hambrick had several pending serious criminal charges at the time he was shot, Fox 17 News said. His prior convictions include felony aggravated robbery, misdemeanor assault, possession or casual exchange, felon in possession of a weapon, drugs in a drug-free school zone, resisting arrest and more.

[pdf-embedder url=”https://tennesseestar.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Daniel-Hambrick-Arrest-History.pdf” title=”Daniel Hambrick Arrest History”]


On the rap sheet, the following initials mean:

  • PEND-pending
  • DROS- Dismissed request of the state
  • GLC-Guilty of Lesser Charge
  • DIS- Dismissed
  • GUI-Guilty
  • CONC-Concluded

Mayor David Briley last week promised a review of the department’s policing strategies, the Nashville Post said.

A coalition submitted a petition for a referendum in November that will decide whether there will be civilian oversight of the police, the Scene said.

‘Inflammatory language’

On Monday, Kimbrough used what host Mandis called “inflammatory language” repeatedly even as he said he wanted to give her and the victim’s family a forum free of inflammatory language.

Speaking about members proposed for the community oversight board (COB), she denied Black Lives Matter has called for the murder of police officers. She said her only exposure to BLM has been through local members.

“I’ve never heard them utter any such statement,” she said.

“The police … policing their own is almost laughable,” she said. It is rare for an officer to be found at fault in a shooting. “We can’t take them seriously if they are biased like that.

“There are certain segments of society that are falling victim to police shootings and police misconduct and they should definitely have a say in who polices the police.”

Mandis challenged Kimbrough for her repeated use of the word “execution” in describing the shooting and reminded her, a lawyer, it is a legal word. He defined execution as the state-sanctioned killing of someone like Billy Ray Irick, who was executed by lethal injection recently. Hambrick was running from police with a gun, he said.

“Do you think using language like this which I would say is inflammatory will help the situation or make it worse,” he asked.

Kimbrough said, “Well, what I do is speak truth, and I don’t know what it will do to the situation, but I will remain truthful and say what I feel is honest.”

Kimbrough said she was “not in a position to say he had a gun in his hand or not.” Even if he had a gun, it was wrong of Delke to chase and shoot him. She does not know why Hambrick or the officer ran. It did not matter to her if police eventually prove Hambrick was running with the gun.

“I call it murder, I call it an execution,” she said.

Mandis asked about the risk of Hambrick firing over his back. She said that is speculation and it was equally likely he would have turned around to hug and kiss Delke.

FOP statement

James Smallwood, president of the Andrew Jackson Lodge No. 5 Fraternal Order of Police released this statement:

This morning, the Fraternal Order of Police learned that there was additional video evidence regarding the shooting incident between Officer Delke and Mr. Daniel Hambrick. To be clear, we would have preferred that the entire investigation of this case be released at one time, rather than in a piecemealed manner, and with an explanation and full presentation of the facts. Instead, the video has been released before the TBI has completed its investigation and the District Attorney General has completed his prosecutorial functions.

To release it without any narrative or context causes confusion in the community, the potential for further division between law enforcement and the people we serve and invites people to draw their own conclusions of the incident without the relevant facts. It is the opinion of the Fraternal Order of Police that releasing the video in this manner does not serve the better interests of anyone involved or the community at large.

The video released earlier today was captured by a low-resolution camera, which produced a grainy video, and in no way paints an accurate and complete image of what occurred on that day. Unfortunately, the extent to which we tend to rely on what we see on TV or in the movies makes it difficult to evaluate an officer’s real-life use of force.  Many people believe that any video is an accurate report of what really happened.  In this case, the low-resolution surveillance camera was located on a different block, elevated, and quite a distance away from the actual incident.

As a result, the video from that camera is limited in its ability to tell the full story; this is especially true because the accompanying facts from a completed investigation could not be included.  By way of comparison, consider the number of high-resolution cameras and myriad camera angles that are deployed to overturn or confirm on-field rulings made by professional sports umpires or referees. In these situations, the perception of a viewer is often changed when the full picture is presented from many different angles and the investigation can provide facts to support the actual events; obviously, this is not what we have experienced with today’s release.

If anything, today’s video only tells us only what we already know: That an incident occurred wherein Officer Delke was forced to fire shots at an armed felon. Although not apparent from the video, or the current coverage of the incident, it is factually undisputed that (1) Mr. Hambrick was armed with a 9mm Beretta pistol which was in his hand at the time of the shooting; (2) Officer Delke gave Mr. Hambrick repeated commands to drop the pistol; (3) Officer Delke told Mr. Hambrick that he would fire on him if he did not drop the pistol; and, (4) most important, Mr. Hambrick refused to drop the pistol.  Had he dropped his weapon and just kept running, the conclusion of that incident would be much different than what we are faced with today.

In today’s environment, police officers are commonly expected to exceed the limits of human performance. It is well known that an armed suspect facing away from an officer can fire at the officer by twisting his body around, reaching across his body and firing over his shoulder or under his arm, or simply by swinging his arm straight backwards and firing the weapon upside down.  All of these actions can take place in the blink of an eye, and no human being on earth can react in time to prevent themselves from being shot.

A police officer who finds themselves similarly situated and gives appropriate and reasonable commands to drop the weapon should reasonably believe that their life is in danger. The reaction of any officer placed in that situation should be to do what is necessary and reasonable to protect their life and the lives of the community at large. It is our firm belief that Officer Delke acted reasonably under the totality of the circumstances, within the confines of the law, and departmental policies. We are confident that the independent investigation conducted by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation will reflect that and totally exonerate him.

Furthermore, after the release of the video, Nashville Mayor, David Briley, held a press conference in which he stated that no Mother should ever have to bury their child. The Nashville Fraternal Order of Police wholeheartedly agrees with that opinion. The pain of such an event is unimaginable. Regardless of the circumstances, we offer our condolences to the Hambrick family as they navigate this tragic event.

We must also remember that officer Delke has been forced to live his worst nightmare. No officer ever wakes up and wishes to take the life of another human being. When it occurs, it is something that haunts them for the rest of their lives.

Mayor Briley went on to say that our police should only be required to make a snap decision to discharge their weapons when absolutely necessary. We believe that anytime an individual places a firearm in their hand in an encounter with the police that it becomes absolutely necessary to make that snap decision.

We do not believe that the decision making on the part of the officer is to blame. The snap decision officer Delke was forced to make was not of his own doing. He was reacting to a suspect who produced a firearm in a confrontation with the police. From our perspective, his reaction was absolutely reasonable and necessary given the circumstances.

Any insinuation that Police officers need more accountability as a result of this incident completely ignores the actions of Mr. Hambrick and his refusal to comply with lawful orders from a police officer.

In conclusion, we ask the community to wait patiently as the TBI conducts their investigation and that before any conclusions are drawn, we wait until all of the facts can be presented.


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12 Thoughts to “Hambrick Family Attorney Goes Off the Rails in WTN Interview on Police Shooting”

  1. Tee

    I am an advocate of right to carry, freedom of speech and I also support the NRA. I have to admit that shooting a person in the back is usually considered murder. For law enforcement it is accepted during a hostage situation or an active shootout. What is being disputed about this incident does not represent either. My prayers go out to the victim’s family, all of you and the officer involved.

  2. […] last August with Joy Kimbrough, the attorney representing the Hambrick family, The Tennessee Star reported at the […]

  3. Randall

    Hambrick was a thug who brought misery to his community with guns and drugs.

  4. Jay

    This is just an Al Sharpton wannabe.

  5. Mickey

    Talks from a person who doesn’t know what it’s like to be a law enforcement officer. It takes less than one second for a suspect to turn and shoot. The idea of not pursuing a felon is crazy. Let’s see, hambrick was in a stolen car, fled, then exited and fled, holding a gun. He refused to stop, refused to drop the gun,,,his death is his own fault. He’s a thug that victimized innocent people. Don’t blame the officer for protecting us from this dangerous criminal.

  6. Black Lives Matter

    We only care about black lives if they’re shot by the police.

  7. lb

    How to turn Nashville into Baltimore in one easy lesson–this phony oversight committee. I heard this interview and I dont know whether this woman is dumb as a rock or so indoctrinated by BLM that she has any idea how absolutely ludicrous she sounds.

  8. Rick

    The family has been taken by this noise maker. Anyone can look at this situation and see what’s going on. It’s all about what we can get. Attorneys like this are an embarrassment to justice. Just an all around sad situation

  9. Lynn Phillips

    Don’t we already have a citizens review board? I believe it’s called a grand jury.

  10. M. W. Flatt

    If we are demanding Justice, we must first, ourselves, be Just.
    Thank you for explaining why it was that Hambrick decided to flee when pulled over by a policeman.
    The idea of a “civilian oversight committee” has several practical arguments against it. First, it creates a layer of unnecessary, and possibly obstructive, bureaucracy on the police force. The overhead of just the meetings, alone, will be needed to added to an already strained budget, and that’s assuming these “civilians” are just volunteers. On top of that, the social aspects of such a group will interfere even more with the work of the police. When we place members of a group that considers themselves “oppressed” in charge of their “oppressors”, we end up with a situation where the titles are, unofficially , reversed. (I’ll not use the word “revenge” here, but one can see the idea.) The fact that these group would be “civilians” means that many of them will have little to no experience in the field, which often results in requests that make no sense outside of a board room. Such foolishness, combined with the constant threat of “disciplinary actions”, will interfere with the actual work of our officers, and may encourage them to seek out better opportunities either in other police forces or in the “security” field.
    Besides, we already have a group of civilians that have some oversight of our police. We call them “The Metro Council”…

  11. Angelito

    That lawyer is disgusting—we all know she only intends to encourage outrage. The dead guy was a career, violent felon who ran from the police holding a gun.

    And I am supposed to be outraged with the result? Not happening.

  12. Bob

    I blame the parents-why don’t parents teach their kids to obey the police? BLM and other groups teach the kids to disrespect the police. Sounds like a big dose of black privilege to me.
