Health and Human Services Secretary Becerra: It’s ‘Absolutely the Government’s Business’ to Know the Vaccine Status of Americans

Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra
by Debra Heine


Amid controversy over the administration’s plan to knock on doors to promote the COVID vaccines to unvaccinated Americans, the U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary has declared that it is “absolutely” the government’s business to know who is vaccinated or not vaccinated.

On Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that the goal of the door-to-door outreach was to “get remaining Americans vaccinated by ensuring they have the information they need on how both safe and accessible the vaccine is.”

During a press conference, Joe Biden said this outreach team would “go community-by-community, neighborhood-by-neighborhood, and oft times door-to-door, literally knocking on doors” to “educate” unvaccinated Americans about the experimental vaccines.

HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra was asked to respond to criticism from some Republican lawmakers about the Biden regime’s “door-to-door outreach” program during a CNN interview Thursday morning,

New Day host Brianna Keilar cited a tweet by Representative Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) earlier this week that criticized the regime’s vaccine “outreach” plans, tweeting,  “How about don’t knock on my door. You’re not my parents. You’re the government. Make the vaccine available, and let people be free to choose. Why is that concept so hard for the left?”

She also cited Representative Andy Biggs (R-AZ) who wrote in a tweet: “It’s NONE of the governments business knowing who has or hasn’t been vaccinated.”

Becerra responded, “Brianna, perhaps we should point out that the federal government has spent trillions of dollars to try to keep Americans alive during this pandemic. So it is absolutely the government’s business. It is taxpayers’ business if we have to continue to spend money.”

The Democrat went on to suggest that unvaccinated Americans would be unable to prosper and freely associate unless they got the jab.

“It is our business to try to make sure Americans can prosper, Americans can freely associate, and knocking on the door has never been against the law. You don’t have to answer, but we hope you do because we can help dispel some of those rumors that you’ve heard, and hopefully get you vaccinated,” he said.

While the administration pushes the vaccines on younger and younger Americans, the Pfizer and Moderna jabs have been found to cause serious heart problems in concerning numbers of teens and young adults. The Johnson and Johnson vaccine meanwhile was temporarily halted in early April after at least six women developed a unique and deadly blood clot shortly after getting vaccinated.

Becerra tried to appease critics by stressing that people have the right not to get vaccinated, but also maintained that refusing to get the jab was the wrong choice, and could lead to their death.

“If you contract COVID and you want to stay alive, best chance will be if you’re vaccinated,” he said, confirming that significant numbers of vaccinated Americans still get the coronavirus.

“We want to give people the sense that they have the freedom to choose. But we hope they choose to live,” he added.

“We hope people make the right choices, we want them to have the right information, but we are America. We try to give people as much freedom and choice as possible, but clearly when over 600,000 Americans have died, the best choice is to get vaccinated,” Becerra said.

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Debra Heine reports for American Greatness.





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3 Thoughts to “Health and Human Services Secretary Becerra: It’s ‘Absolutely the Government’s Business’ to Know the Vaccine Status of Americans”

  1. 83ragtop50

    I can see this happening because the majority of Americans have readily bowed to all of the illegal mandates pushed by liars such as Fauci. I am proud of the Tennesseans who have chosen to make their own decision to not take the experimental drugs falsely promoted as vaccines.

  2. Ron W

    He’s a leftist authoritarian who thinks the elite ruling class must control us. He’s the opposite EXTREME of the Liberty of a “free and independent people” governing themselves.

  3. Steve Allen

    I can hardly wait.
