Here Are Some of the Key Characters in the Hunter Biden Story

Hunter Biden
by Mary Margaret Olohan


Former vice president Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden have come under fire for Hunter Biden’s business dealings with China and Joe Biden’s alleged participation with these dealings, but there are several other key figures involved in the ongoing Biden scandal.

Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden’s business dealings have made news for several years, but focus on the presidential candidate’s son re-emerged in October when the New York Post reported a so-called “smoking-gun” piece of evidence: an email alleging that Hunter Biden introduced his father to a Burisma executive in April 2015.

The Post emphasized that the email showed that Joe Biden both knew of and participated in his son’s business dealings.

The Daily Caller News Foundation reported Thursday that a cybersecurity expert confirmed that the email is unquestionably authentic.

The Post also reported that Hunter Biden dropped his laptop off at a Delaware computer repair shop but never picked the device up, and that the store’s owner, who is a Trump supporter, said he found both lewd images and a video of Hunter Biden on the hard drive of the laptop.

Tony Bobulinski

Tony Bobulinski, one of Hunter Biden’s business associates, has come forward corroborating emails that appear to show Joe Biden was set to receive monetary compensation from Hunter Biden’s dealings with a Chinese firm. Bobulinski and two other businessmen partnered with the Bidens in May 2017 to form the company Sinohawk, a venture which would fizzle out by August 2017.

Bobulinski said at an Oct. 22 press conference that Hunter Biden arranged an hour-long May 2, 2017, meeting in Los Angeles between Bobulinski, Joe Biden, and his brother James Biden.

During this meeting, Bobulinski said, he and the Bidens discussed “the Biden’s family business plans with the Chinese.”

The former vice president was “plainly familiar” with these plans “at a high level,” Bobulinski said.

“That is false,” Bobulinski said of Joe Biden’s previous statement that he never spoke with Hunter Biden about business.

“I have firsthand knowledge about this because I directly dealt with the Biden family, including Joe Biden,” Bobulinski said.

James Biden

James Biden is the brother of Joe Biden and uncle to Hunter Biden. Both James and Hunter Biden  “aggressively leveraged” their family name in order to secure foreign business deals, according to Bobulinski.

“I think Joe Biden and the Biden family are compromised,” Bobulinski told Fox News host Tucker Carlson Tuesday.

“I just don’t see, given the history here in the facts, how Joe can’t be influenced in some manner based on the history that they have,” Bobulinski added. “So as a citizen and an American taxpayer, I’m very, very concerned.”

“They were sort of wining and dining me and presenting the strength of the Biden family to get me more engaged,” he said of Hunter and James Biden. Bobulinski also said that the Bidens wanted to get him to become CEO of the joint business venture between CEFC China Energy Co., a Chinese energy firm, and Oneida Holdings, a Delaware-based LLC.

“They were putting their entire family legacy on the line, ” Bobulinski said. “They knew exactly what they were doing. They were dealing with a Chinese owned enterprise … that had strong financial support and political support from the Chinese Communist Party. That’s how it was presented to me. That’s not my own words. That’s how they presented it to me and read me in on it.”

Bobulinski said that the day after the May 2017 meeting he told Jim Biden that the business dealings might impact Joe Biden’s presidential election.

“I know Joe decided not to run in 2016, but what if he ran in the future? Aren’t they taking political risk or headline risk? And I remember looking at Jim Biden and saying, ‘How are you guys getting away with this? Like, aren’t you concerned?’”

James Biden looked at Bobulinski, laughed a little bit, and said, “Plausible deniability,” Bobulinski said.

Bobulinski also said that he had a second meeting with Joe Biden in a parking lot where Biden told him to “keep an eye on his son and brother.”

James Gilliar

James Gilliar is a Biden business partner and the author of a much discussed email to Bobulinski sent May 13, 2017.

The email said that 10% of the Delaware-based LLC Oneida Holdings would be “held by H for the big guy,” which Bobulinski said refers to Joe Biden.

Gilliar also told Bobulinski in a May 20, 2017 text message: “Don’t mention Joe being involved, it’s only when u are face to face, I know u know that but they are paranoid.”

“They should be paranoid about things,” Bobulinski replied, according to a screenshot of the exchange he released.

Rob Walker

Rob Walker is also a Biden business associate who was involved in a May 19, 2017 exchange that suggests Hunter Biden used the term “chairman” to refer to his father.

“When he said his chairman he was talking about his dad and I think your dismissal of it maybe offended him a bit, but you didn’t know what he was talking about,” Walker wrote.

Hunter Biden’s alleged text messages to Bobulinski includes multiple references to a “chairman.”

“Both James’ and my Chairman gave an emphatic NO,” Hunter Biden texted Bobulinski as they negotiated over Oneida’s structure.

“What Hunter’s referencing there is he spoke with his father and his father is giving an emphatic no to the ask that I had, which was putting proper governance in place around Oneida Holdings,” Bobulinski said.

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Mary Margaret Olohan is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation.
Photo “Hunter Biden” by ABC News.









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2 Thoughts to “Here Are Some of the Key Characters in the Hunter Biden Story”

  1. John

    Blah blah blah…….until these crooks get indicted, tried, convicted and jailed, stories like this serve no purpose except to piss us off. BTW, I’m not holding my breath. Not one of these people involved will serve any kind of time. Just like Hillary, they will be allowed to fade off into the distance, while living out the rest of their lives with their ill gotten gains.

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