Hollywood Actors Threaten Boycott of Georgia After Kemp Victory

by Ethan Barton


Several Hollywood actors have called for a boycott of Georgia’s film industry after Republican Brian Kemp officially won the state’s gubernatorial contest.


The hashtag #boycottgeorgia began to trend after Stacey Abrams, a former Democratic state representative and romance novelist, announced Friday that she would no longer challenge the Georgia Secretary of State’s election results. While Abrams acknowledged Kemp would be the winner of the election, she refused to call her speech a “concession” because a “concession means to acknowledge an action is right, true, or proper.”

Before Kemp was certified as the official victor, actors were already threatening to boycott working in Georgia, a state with a large film industry that’s been dubbed the Hollywood of the South.


The reaction from Hollywood comes after Abrams has continued to argue, without evidence, that Kemp purposely suppressed black voters while he led the Georgia Secretary of State’s office. Abrams mounted several lawsuits over the election results and repeatedly declared she wouldn’t admit defeat until every vote was counted.

Abrams has since responded to the calls for a boycott, saying that while she appreciates Hollywood’s calls for action, she does not want them to hurt people who make a living in the state’s film industry. Instead, the Democratic politician wants them to get involved in a new voting rights organization she is launching called “Fair Fight Georgia.”

In a Sunday morning interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, Abrams refused to call Kemp a “legitimate” governor and claimed there was “a deliberate and intentional disinvestment and I think destruction of the administration of elections in the state of Georgia.”

Abrams said during the interview that she plans on running for office again.

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Ethan Bartan is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation.  Follow Ethan on Twitter.











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42 Thoughts to “Hollywood Actors Threaten Boycott of Georgia After Kemp Victory”

  1. Lady4lifeluvn

    Do these Yahoos even realise there is no spot on the voter registration that asks your race? How the hell would anyone know if its black or white or latina names? Goofballs. They are mad that Illegals were not allowed to vote… And they only want to use those illegal votes to force their agenda…..while Obama tells us how uneducated the illegals in carivan are….. Using both sides of the coin much? Idiots. They are the racists. Patriits come in all skin colors. And we rejected people who are teying to destroy the constitution. Period. Whose idea was it to make Atlanta a sanctuary city mere months before elections? Whomever that was. Needs to be prosecuted for intwnt to committ voter fraud.

    1. David

      I agree and these so called actors need to realize they need the approval of the public or they will make nothing.

  2. Sarah Ston

    Have all of these people lost their minds?? For real, boycott Georgia?! Omg are you serious?! These people are brainwashing Americans! I am glad Kemp won. If I had still been a Georgia resident I would have voted for him. Abrams is so wrong for Georgia by a long shot, besides cutting funding to farmer’s which is a big part of the state & her views were/are not the same of most of the constituents of the state! Geez! Get it together already!!

  3. James Dudley

    There you have it. Stacy Abrams calling for people to put more money in her pockets. As a US citizen, I’d appreciate it if somebody would just pay her UNPAID tax obligation.

  4. Randall

    I’m boycotting Hollywood

  5. Linda Petty

    These actors forget that they work for ‘us’, their fan base. I will no longer go see a movie if they are part of the cast. So, they’re only hurting themselves, which they obviously deserve.

  6. Brian

    Alyssa Milano has to be one of the dumbest white women on the planet. Does she not know that the main reason they are in GA is because of the enormous tax breaks they are getting from the Republican led State Govt??

  7. Jon

    Who cares what Hollywood thinks I know there’s alot out there that don’t care what they think I just want to keep my freedom for one and democrats are trying to take it away

  8. Hollywood comes to GA for one major reason – labor and other overhead costs are much lower, so the production company can afford to pay the clowns who call themselves “stars” the money they demand. Maybe if Milano et al would accept having their pay cut, then the producers could afford to film in a more acceptable progressive state such as California, New York or Illinois.

  9. Traditional Thinker

    The difference between hollywood and reality is a movie script. The actors/actresses tend to become so absorbed into their fictional lives that the screen actually fools them into believing it’s real life and truth. The tragedy of their reality is that there is nothing concrete or real about it for the fact that it’s merely meant for entertainment. That being said, reality is constantly compromised for the audience’s pleasure. What’s not entertaining is when these fictional characters of hollywood come down with the Pinocchio syndrome of thinking they’re a real boy/girl with a sensible idealology or truth.

  10. Jesse

    Ron Perlman looks so much better when wearing his beauty and beast costume, without it on he looks like a beast.

    1. Angie

      Very good. Tell them to move thier assets back to CA. Nobody wants them in the south.

  11. Mike

    Where can I sign up to keep them out of my state as well???!!!

  12. Theresa Godfrey

    Shut up hollywood. If you not from Georgia and can’t vote that means you don’t have a dog in the hunt. If you look at the last couple of years what your movies have took in that might tell you something. Your cutting your own wallets. Your paid entertainers nothing more.

  13. Theresa Godfrey

    Shut up Hollywood we don’t want or need you if you can’t vote in Georgia. #MAGA #TRUMP2020 ❤🇺🇸 #lovegeorgia

  14. Jerry

    Business is business, actors are a commodity. They know it, they promote themselves as such. The bottom line is commerce, free from taxes, costs are low and workers are there to earn. Some actors need to be thankful them have income.
