Host Michael Patrick Leahy Breaks Down Georgia’s Formula for Voter Fraud


Live from Music Row Wednesday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. –  host Michael Patrick Leahy unraveled the formula of alleged election voter fraud in Georgia by citing several examples of which included how prior to the election Dominion Software was purchased and used in every county of Georgia.

He also noted the ‘fishy’ behavior of the Georgian Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger who not only put in an unconstitutional, unlawful consent decree – but continues to refuse a recount and audit of the absentee ballots in question.

Michael Patrick Leahy:

We’ve got all this craziness going on. And these out-of-control Democrat governors and Democratic mayor’s don’t want you to celebrate Thanksgiving and it’s just ridiculous. This is what we live with right now. And back to our theme of stolen elections having consequences. I told you were going to talk a little bit about this process that’s going on which is unveiling before our very eyes and that looks like a stolen election to me.

And give us a call if it looks like a stolen election to you. I saw some polls out there that said, you know, like 90 percent of Trump voters believe this election has been stolen. And Georgia is a great example of where this is a problem. It’s a huge problem in Georgia and the Republican Secretary of State there a character by the name of Brad Raffensperger seems to be part of the problem now.

He’s you know acting like oh, how mean everybody is to me to say that there might be a problem here. And yet some very simple things that he could do to address this problem he’s not doing. And it brings up the question why is he behaving so oddly? They’re just sort of a number of instances here to talk about. I’m going to get In the weeds a little bit.

So I’m looking at exactly what the electoral process was in Georgia in 2018 and how it differs here in 2020. Well, the Democrats were very very busy in trying to loosen the state election law rules. So it became easier to commit fraud. This is my view of it. And so in November of 2019, they put together a lawsuit that outlines a claim with regards to absentee ballots. They wanted more absentee ballots cast because they wanted it to be easier to submit an absentee ballot.

And by making it easier it became far easier to commit fraud. And so let me explain why the Republican Secretary of State or how the Republican Secretary of State caved and made it easier for Democrats to commit fraud in Georgia. The lawsuit was filed and it said in November and the guy that did it this Marc Elias character.

Marc Elias works for Perkins Coie. He’s been involved in all sorts of democratic political behind-the-scenes activities.

A very clever lawyer and an expert on election law. And very aggressive. Pushes everything to the edge. Republicans on the other hand have been kind of asleep at the wheel and haven’t responded in kind. And so the Republicans have left the Democrats to roll them. and that’s what happened in Georgia. Their argument was and you get into the weeds of the Georgia law, their argument was that this absentee ballot process did not apply uniform standards in how to cure an absentee ballot. Now, let’s get into the weeds of this.

Absentee ballots until this election were very rarely used. In fact in the 2018 election down in Georgia, the midterms there were like 280,000 absentee ballots. Well, this time around that number jump from 280,000 to 1.3 million. And absentee ballots went for Joe Biden by a two-to-one 3-1 margin. So this was a preferred vehicle for Democrats to harvest votes. And the question is how many of the votes are really legal?

Well, we don’t know because of the way this was set up in the consent decree in which the Republican Secretary of State and the other members of the State Board of elections caved unnecessarily to relatively outrageous Democratic demands. The lawsuit which I read last night said, they wanted a couple of things. First, when an absentee ballot is submitted and there’s a question about its authenticity there’s a period in which the elector, the voter has an opportunity to ‘cure that ballot.’ Basically, if the signature looks weird, then they would have a period of time to be informed.

Hey, your signature looks weird. You got to fix it. And there’s a mechanism for fixing it and proving who you really are. Okay. So what they wanted in this lawsuit is ‘uniformity of standards.’ And they also wanted the Secretary of State to tell everybody look, once there’s a problem with this absentee ballot you have one day to tell the people that there’s a problem. Well, the law had said three days. Okay. So that was the big issue.

And what the Democrats have done is they put all these absentee ballots together and immediately when they get the notice that there’s a requirement for a cure they jump in. And they do everything possible to get that cure fixed and submitted and accepted. So that’s an operational type thing that the Democrats were all in. We’ll talk about that a little bit more. Okay. Well, what’s the problem with that if the absentee ballot is verified to be a legitimate ballot?

Well in theory there wouldn’t be except in the consent decree in which the Republican Secretary of State in Georgia caved in March of 2020, remember the lawsuit was filed in November (2019). And it had even gone before the federal district judge for decision. And if you were a smart and dutiful Secretary of State that was against this infringement upon the existing law, you would pursue that case through the federal district court.

And if it ruled against you, you would go to the appeals court. And if it rolled against you It would go to the Supreme Court of the United States. It’s about a two-year process. And the Constitutional argument, in this case, was very weak that you know that it was not equal protection because the standards of curing ballots weren’t uniform. Very very weak. Clearly, the law was the law. And that the secretary state of Georgia should have defended the law and not signed a consent decree. The consent decree was signed.

He may have not had the authority to sign that consent decree because under the law only the state legislature can pass a law that changes the election procedures. In this consent decree without even being asked I looked at the prayer for relief from the plaintiffs, they did not ask for this. And yet the Republican, the plaintiffs being the Democrats and yet the Republican Secretary of State this character Brad Raffensperger goes ahead and gives the Democrats something they did not ask for.

And that was a method for approving questionable signatures on absentee ballots that makes it easier for fraud to take place. What do I mean? Well, this is going to get in the weeds a little bit but let me describe the process of how this works. The way this process works in Georgia is if you want to do an absentee ballot, you have to send in an application for it. Your signature will be on the application. You also have a signature in when you first went to register to vote.

You have your signature there. so you have that on file. Two kinds of signatures. The application for the ballot and then your registration. Your voter registration signature. So you get the application and they send it to you and you get this absentee ballot which you do is you get a ballot and then a larger envelope. So you fill out the ballot doesn’t have your name or signature on it.

You put that in the larger envelope and it’s the larger envelope where your signature is. Okay. So you send that to the local Board of Elections. So in this case now remember there are 280,000 of these sent in in 2018. It went up by six-fold. So there’s 1.3 million of them in 2020. And again when we look at the votes they were like two or three to one for Joe Biden. Hmmm, interesting. So you get these ballots.

Let’s say you got a thousand of these and there are envelopes with a signature on it and inside a ballot with no signature on where you cast the vote. So the steps in the process are first you look at the signature on this outside envelope, and here’s where it went wrong. Here’s where the Secretary of State signed a consent decree they didn’t have the authority for.

You’ve got to see first if that doesn’t match the voter registration signature you have to then try and compare it against the voter application for a ballot. Either one of those is acceptable. So there’s a built-in problem there with the reliability of it. If the voter registration signature doesn’t match the application signature that’s not enough to declare it void. See that’s the problem right there. But it gets worse. It gets worse. And I’ll talk to you about that when we get back.

(Commercial break)

Let me get back to this issue of what’s going on in Georgia and why the Republican Secretary of State is behaving so oddly. When somebody behaves oddly you have to wonder why. Now, let’s remember, this is the same Republican Secretary of State who in July of 2019 signed a 107 million dollar contract with Dominion Software. This is the software company that Sidney Powell alleges is switching votes in the election. She alleges that.

We’re looking at what evidence may come. But we do know this is very fishy. Something is very fishy about this election. So this guy Jared Thomas who was chief of staff for governor Bryan Kemp in February of 2019 became the chief lobbyist for Dominion Software. And they gave this 107 million dollar deal approved by the Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger five months later in July of 2019.

This after the state of Texas rejected the deal because it was insecure because there was a possibility of access to it from the internet. And the possibility of wait for it…switching votes. Hmm. By the way, Georgia is the only state in the Union in which every county is required to use Dominion Software. There are 29 other states in which various counties use it but it seems like you know, it’s a couple of counties here and a couple of counties there.

So this is all troublesome, to begin with. Then the conduct of the Secretary of State giving away security on absentee ballot signatures not asked for in this March 2020 consent decree probably is a violation of state law because under state law and federal law. This was the argument of Lin Wood, by the way, the attorney down there. And Lin Wood, the district federal district court judge dismissed the case. And not because of the merits of the argument, but because he said Lin Wood is a citizen of Georgia that he didn’t have standing. Really? He didn’t have standing?

Well, it might be different if the Republican party of Georgia had filed suit. That may be happening here. Now let’s take a look at this. So the Republican Secretary of State does a consent decree, which he may not have the authority to do that makes it easier to have fraudulent absentee ballots. And by that, I mean the process that he agreed to was different from the law and the standard before. In other words, you would have before this happened, if you wanted to reject a ballot an absentee ballot because it looked it did not seem credible to you.

One canvassing official would have to say compare it to the votes in either the registration or the absentee ballot application. And if either of them didn’t match he’d kick it out. But the Secretary of State volunteered a different process. Now if you’re looking at it and you have an objection, the only objection that can be raised as if the signature on the outside envelope doesn’t match either the application signature or the registration voter registration signature, if it matches one of those but not the other you can’t kick it out.

Well, what kind of fraud might happen there? Oh, I don’t know. If the person who signs the application for the ballot isn’t the registered voter and they also signed the envelope in which the ballot is sent in that would be an opportunity for fraud. But the consent decree allows that fraud to happen. That’s a problem. Then you go in and you say well there’s a problem here with this ballot. It used to be in 2018 that canvasser could throw it out. But oh no. Now, they’ve got to bring into other canvassers and the majority of those two out of three have to agree. This is just a formula for fraud. Now, what’s the solution? When you think there’s a fraud what you do is you go in and inspect the evidence.

Okay, there’s evidence there right now. The way this works all around George’s counties there’s a room. each county has a room filled with thousands of thousands of these outside envelopes and signatures within which had been the ballots which you know cast a vote for Trump or Biden where the ballots have been already counted. But they were anonymous.

You don’t know who that person cast their vote for but you still got the on envelopes and you still got the signatures on the outside envelope. so you could go in let’s just say in Fulton County where you know it looks like about 100,000 of these absentee ballots were cast. Those 300,000 physical envelopes with signatures exist today and by law, they’re supposed to exist for another two years. You could go in right now and audit those envelopes in Fulton County and all across the state.

And you could say well does this really match? Now what I suspect you would find is there’s a whole lot of them that don’t match right? Because if you apply a standard that says you compare it against the original registration I think there would be a significant problem. So this is what the Republican party of Georgia is asking for.

Guess what? The Secretary of State refuses to do that. Now, why does he refuse to do that? I’ll tell you why. It’s because it might possibly show that a lot of these absentee ballots were not legitimate. And that’s a problem. And that’s why this Georgia state legislature needs to come into a special session and force this audit of all 1.3 million. Every one of those 1.3 million envelopes with signatures must be checked.

Later in the second hour, Leahy continued…

Now outlining it, there are 1.3 million envelopes that exist in these counties of Georgia, the election departments. And the Secretary of State in Georgia, the Republican Brad Raffensperger who is the guy who cut the deal by giving 107 million dollars to Dominion Software. This is the one that Sidney Powell purports was switching election or votes. Georgia is the only state in the Union where every single county has this Dominion software, by the way.

So this guy the Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, it’s the first time there have been so many absentee ballots, and the process it set up was not one in compliance with the law but one that the Democrats kind of forced him to cave in to. Whether they forced him to not is a big question. But it’s a process fraught with the potential for fraud. And there’s a way to check out whether or not these absentee ballots were properly cast.

And there’s evidence out there. There’s paper evidence that the Secretary of State of Georgia Brad Raffensperger doesn’t want you to see. These outer envelopes in which these 1.3 million absentee ballots were mailed in or dropped off in these ‘secure drop boxes.’ Many of which by the way were paid for by Mark Zuckerberg’s Center for Technology and Civic Life. Hmm. Not a problem there folks.

Anyways these 1.3 million outer envelopes with signatures of the purported voters exist and they are available in every county in Georgia right now. By law, they’re preserved for another two years. The Georgia Republican Party has asked for an audit of these 1.3 million envelopes. Why? Because only 4,000 of them were rejected for bad signatures in a very very labyrinthian process that made it almost impossible to kick these things out.

I think there was a report that in 2016 of over three percent of absentee ballots [in Georgia] were kicked out. Now the volume was much less than this time. In 2018 there were 280,000 absentee ballots in Georgia, 1.3 million in 2020. The rate in 2018 was the same as the rejection as in 2020. Less than two-tenths of one percent. But the rate in 2016 was like 3.5 percent or something like that. At least that’s a report that I’ve seen so far.

Now it seems that if you wanted to make the public confident that this was a free and fair election and if you are an honest person obviously you would do you would go in and say okay. Let’s look at these 1.3 million signatures on the envelopes that contained these absentee ballots. They are there. The physical evidence is there. Let’s go in and have a team look at them all and let’s compare the signatures on those envelopes with signatures in the application for the absentee ballots and with the signature of the original voter registration.

You see this was a change at the Secretary of State that was really outside the law in a consent decree that he didn’t really have the authority to do back in March of 2020. Now, he said if only one of the matches were good, you have to have both of them not match. Well, that’s a very high standard I would guess, and makes fraud a lot easier seems to me.

Why not check that out?

Why not go in and count every single one of those 1.3 million ballots and see if any of them were fraudulent? Now the problem is, again, this is the party line. And you know, Georgia’s Secretary of State’s office is making it appear that they have something to hide. They say, well there’s an old law out there that says you have to match these signatures. I’m not sure that’s entirely true.

I think that’s a little bit of legalese shall we say. But nonetheless, forget about that. How about the confidence that this was a free and fair election?

You have something out there that you can check. Physical evidence. And if you go through all this and you say, you know, we look to these 1.3 million balance every single one of them. And [what if ] we found actually, you know, there was well, it wasn’t 4,000 that should have been rejected it was 5,000 that should have been rejected.

Well, okay. Then then you would have reason to say okay. We went the extra mile and you should have total confidence in this election. But they won’t do that recount [of the signatures on the 1.3 million envelopes that contained absentee ballots]. They won’t do the audit.


What are they hiding now?

What I suspect is if you went in and you looked at those 1.3 million envelope signatures of the absentee ballots I think you’d find probably my guess is 50,000 or so of them were fraudulent.

Okay. The margin of Biden’s victory was 12,000. So think about it. [If there were] 50,000 fraudulent [absentee ballots] and we know that absentee ballots went two or three to one for Joe Biden. This would be evidence of fraud. Now, what the Georgia Secretary of State is saying is well because we separate the ballots we can’t prove it.

And what would be the remedy?

Well, the remedy would be a new election. And so what should happen is the audit [of the signatures on the 1.3 million envelopes that contained absentee ballots] should take place now. If it doesn’t take place, the Georgia State Legislature should convene and they should say, we cannot accept the certified election results because we believe there may have been fraud. It’s a do-over. And they should not appoint electors. That’s my view.

Listen to the full commentary here:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to the Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio. 





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One Thought to “Host Michael Patrick Leahy Breaks Down Georgia’s Formula for Voter Fraud”

  1. Dave G. McIntyre

    Personally I think the main focus should be on the FACT that Legislators are the ONLY ones able to change election laws and therefore everything judges and the Secretary(s) of state State(s) have done to change election law make the vote(s) invalid.

    Therefore either another election should be held with paper ballots only or the legislature should step in and refuse to certify the election results.
