Hosts Leahy and Kellett Follow the Money Trail from Hudson West to Hunter Biden Controlled Owasco PC of $4.8 Million


Live from Music Row Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. – hosts Leahy and Doug Kellett dissect the money flow from the Chinese Communist Party to the Hudson West LLC’s, Owasco PC and Hunter Biden.

(President Trump clip plays)

In that hour-long interview, the Biden family business partner revealed the depth and extent of Biden’s corruption. And you know, if you walk out and your vice president and your son walks out with hundreds of millions of dollars and he’s got no real capability, I would say that’s corrupt.

Leahy: Yep, there’s Donald Trump making a very good point Doug.

Kellett: He said tell me the interview that oh, shoot. Who was it, Tucker Carlson?

Leahy: How could you forget Tucker Carlson?

Kellett: I can’t pronounce that guy’s name.

Leahy: Tony Bobulinski.

Kellett: I know he played a few more clips last night.

Leahy: Yeah, I watched it on TV last night and it was very good. So here’s the question Doug. Follow the money, right? So I did a little research on this just kind of get your reaction to it.

Kellett: Yes…

Leahy: So the way the money works, this Chinese Communist Energy Fund that was headed up by a Communist Party bureaucrat. The money came from the Chi-Coms. In late August of 2017, they sent a wire transfer in the amount of $5 million to a Delaware LLC called Hudson West III. It’s a limited liability company. A Chinese guy named Gongwen Dong or something like that. (Kellett chuckles) They called him, Kevin.

Kellett: They used Delaware for some tax reasons.

Leahy: Everyone in 50 percent to 70 percent of corporations in America are incorporated in Delaware.

Kellett: That’s what I mean.

Leahy: Because of the way that the privacy laws there are great. That’s one of their industries. Incorporating companies. Hudson West III. The way they work these things is you’ll set up various entities and if you have an investment fund, you know, it’ll say fund one. Fund one, fund two, fund three, fund four. If you look at Hudson West hmm think about that. What do you think? Does that mean Hudson River West?

Kellett: Yeah, I don’t know.

Leahy: Okay, I would think so if you look, the name is Hudson West. So if there’s a Hudson West III, there’s also Hudson West I, II, III, and Hudson West IV. Each set up by the Chinese Communist representative in America this Kevin Gongwen Dong guy. So if you look at it, if you look at the records, there was a Hudson West I which bought a building in New York City for $228 million.

I just checked this out at Hudson West I. I didn’t find a Hudson West II but I’m sure it’s out there. Hudson West III and Hudson West IV was set up to be the partner with Oneida Holdings. That is the entity owned by the Bidens in which Tony Bobulinski was a partner. Those two were the partners in Sino Hawk. So that was where the money was supposed to go, right?

So Hudson West IV was supposed to be where the five million from the Chi-Coms would go, right? Well, what happened was in September of 2017, five million went to Hudson West III. Not Hudson West IV. Tony Bobulinski had no idea that money came in until two years later when the Senate committee had a report. So five million goes into Hudson West III run by this Gongwen Dong. Whatever his name was. They called him Kevin, a Chinese national.

Kellett: Just call him Bubba. We’ll just call him Bubba.

Leahy: So there’s five million that goes into Hudson West III, a Delaware limited liability company run by this Chinese national. According to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security over the course of the next year 4.8 million of that went into the bank account of a proprietorship owned by Hudson Biden called Owasco PC. That’s his legal firm. $4.8 million dollars now. Now meanwhile, remember the new information we got the other night from Tony Bobulinski.

Kellett: Is there a Hudson Biden?

Leahy: No, no, no. Hunter Biden. So there are one point eight million bucks under Hunter Biden’s control that originated from the Chinese Communist Party. What was that for? Where is it? Why isn’t the Federal Bureau of Investigation and why isn’t the Department of Justice and why isn’t the US attorney issuing a subpoena for the bank records of Owasco PC that received $4.8 million from the Chi-comms that’s entirely controlled by Hunter Biden? Can you answer that question for me, Doug?

Kellett: Oh sure. I could just answer right away. (Laughter) Well, you know, here’s the thing Mike and I were looking at you know, like you’re asking that question, right? So you gave me a heads-up on it. I appreciate it.

Leahy: You’re welcome.

Kellett: Now to me, just listening and I’m trying to follow you here is that and I know from you know you being you that this is all accurate that you’re saying. But what it seems so complicated to me that I’m just trying to think of how you get this down into a 10-15 second sort of, I hate to use the term soundbite, but that’s what we call it in the news business. And you now sort of get this out to the American people to actually make some kind of influence. You know, you’re a fair question. Why didn’t the FBI have this laptop in 2019?

Leahy: Yes. On a separate path.

Kellett: Yeah separate issue, right? So I don’t know why not doing or you know, they don’t tell us you know, I mean, that’s just the way it is and they don’t you know, they don’t tell us if something is under investigation or whatever. And I go back to like 2016 where Hillary Clinton emailed a thing to me and I think most people were pretty easy to understand. You have classified information and you put it on a non-classified server.

People know what kind of what that is. Our enemies might be able to grab it and people got it and knew that was reckless and then the FBI got involved. And so I think you know, that one was easy for me to see how that influences, you know the populace. This one is so I mean it kind of gets into like the Paul Manafort thing right?

Leahy: It’s a little bit like that. You said something very important.

Kellett: I did. I’m just being honest.

Leahy: How do you simplify this in a way that’s comprehensible? Right? But the question is there are $4.8 million in a bank account entirely controlled by Hunter Biden that originated with the Chinese Communist Party.

Kellett: But isn’t every business over there sort of, I know they do have a little bit of capitalism. But if you are doing any kind of business.

Leahy: It’s the Chi-comms.

Kellett: I mean, you can’t do legitimate business with China, right? Well, let’s just been doing legitimate stuff, too.

Leahy: I don’t know. I mean, it doesn’t sound like it because, let’s just follow the bouncing ball here. So he’s got $4.8 million in his account. I would like to know where that money went. Wouldn’t you? Did any of it end up in Joe Biden’s pocket or in an offshore account controlled by Joe Biden? That’s something I’d like to know.

Kellett: How do you find that out if it’s one of those offshore things?

Leahy: Well, what you have to do is you have to get a subpoena the US attorney has to request a subpoena and get the bank records Owasco PC has bank records. Everybody has bank records there in 2017 and 2018. There are monthly bank statements that show money in and money out, right?

Kellett: I’m gonna ask you a question here. If you’re doing something nefarious with the Chinese people and the communist government and everything wouldn’t you send it somewhere else?

Leahy: If you were Hunter Biden why would you leave your laptop at a Delaware repair shop and not pick it up?

Kellett: I think that’s why a lot of people say it’s a little shaky here, right. This story is that the guys got all this sensitive information including apparently some pics with…

Leahy: And naked pictures.

Kellett: And he drops it off at the laptop for the guy to fix and go through.

Listen to the full first hour here:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to the Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.
Photo “Hunter Biden” by ABC News. 








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