Hundreds of Left-Wing Rioters Attack Trump Supporters in Minneapolis After Rally


Hundreds of left-wing rioters attacked Trump supporters as they left the president’s rally at the Target Center in Minneapolis Thursday night.

A reporter for The Blaze captured this video on Twitter of one such incident:

“Local Minneapolis Star-Tribune reporter Liz Sawyer noted there were several hundred rioters, and that some were singling out Trump supporters and surrounding them in groups before attacking them. Some also attacked police,” Breitbart News reported.

Sawyer’s tweets from the event can be seen here:

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Photo by Elijah Schaffer.








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5 Thoughts to “Hundreds of Left-Wing Rioters Attack Trump Supporters in Minneapolis After Rally”

  1. P

    Let them show their true selves.

  2. Mary

    Liberals The best reason to be armed.

  3. Donald

    This is exactly why we have the right to keep and bear arms.

  4. Charles E Schimpf

    Time to kick some ass with these phonies

  5. Habu

    A classic example of the hatred by the Left of anyone who has different ideas than they do. What ever happened to “tolerance”.
    Peaceful demonstrations – – – “YES”.
    Violent demonstrations and physical attacks – – – “NO”.
    The attackers should be forcefully dealt with by law enforcement. We cannot and must not tolerate physical attacks.
