Hunter Biden’s China-Linked Company Paid $49,910 Security Deposit for Washington D.C Office at the House of Sweden

by Debra Heine


The monthly rent Hunter Biden listed on a background screening form in 2018 exactly matches the security deposit he paid for an office at the House of Sweden in Washington D.C. the year before. In the 2018 document, the younger Biden listed Joe Biden’s Delaware mansion as his residence, and claimed that he was paying a whopping $49,910 a month in monthly rent.

Joe Biden stored a number of classified documents in the library and alongside his Corvette in the garage of his house in Greenville, Delaware, an upscale suburb of Wilmington.

The House of Sweden, which housed the office of Hunter’s consulting firm Rosemont Seneca from March of 2017 to February of 2018, is the home of the embassy of Sweden, and the diplomatic missions of the Republic of Iceland and the Principality of Liechtenstein. The younger Biden had listed his law firm, Owasco PC, as a company residing at the Wilmington address on the 2018 screening form.

Rosemont Seneca Advisors LLC. has come under scrutiny due to its Chinese Communist Party-linked business ventures, including an alleged plan with the Chinese energy company CEFC to sell U.S. natural gas reserves to China.

Cecilia Browning, the general manager of the House of Sweden, sent Hunter an email on October 13, 2017, encouraging him to terminate the lease for his office space, Breitbart reported.

Browning explained in the email, which was unearthed from Hunter’s “Laptop from Hell,” that Hunter could get out of his $49,910 security deposit if he was willing to terminate his lease.

“If you are willing to terminate the lease of #507–the owners are willing to let you out of the lease as of December 31, 2017,” Browning wrote. “Please note that there is a security deposit paid by you of $49,910 which will be returned within 15 days after the termination of the lease (after inspection of normal wear and tear).”

The email came about a month after Hunter had clashed with Browning over rules regarding after-hours guests. On September 18 2017, Browning had accused Hunter of illicitly smuggling Lunden Roberts, the the mother of his illegitimate daughter, and other guests into the building through a side door after business hours.

“It has once again come to my attention that it appears that after hours access has been given to visitors through the North Entrance to 507 – as we have 24/7 security camera coverage throughout the building,” Browning wrote in an email to Hunter. “Please help us in keeping the building safe by following House of Sweden’s Rules and Regulations.”

Three days later, Hunter sent a “lengthy, angry reply” describing Roberts, who was at the time reportedly a stripper at a Washington, DC, club he frequented, as a “basketball mentor” to one of his daughters and to former President Barack Obama’s daughter Sasha, the Daily Mail reported in June of 2021.

“I have never knowingly attempted to hide visitors or break any rules. What do i[sic] have to hide Cecelia. There is a camera in every hallway every 10 feet,” Hunter wrote in his reply.

He added: “I had phoned ahead to let security know that my youngest daughter’s basketball mentor she worked out with Maisy and Sasha Obama when they played in rec league together. Maisy, my daughter continues ton [sic] pursue a NCAA Div. One team and Lunden continues to help.”

Hunter then included what he called a “partial bio” of Roberts, incorrectly spelling her name “Lundon Roberts.”

Parts of the biography appeared to be “copied verbatim from an online profile of Roberts, who was listed on the Arkansas State women’s basketball roster for the 2011-12 season as a redshirt sophomore,” noted the New York Post.

Hunter described Roberts as a “[t]hree time NCAA All-American” and “in her final semester at George Washington University’s National CSIS Masters Program and ranked #1 in her class. If you need any more information you can find it yourself.”

In a subsequent email Browning apologized profusely, saying “we all have the same goal–to keep our building safe.” She added, “Everyone, including Embassy employees are also asked never to lend out keys to their relatives. Again, we are just trying to keep the building safe, and we much apologize if we have offended you in any way.”

After Roberts gave birth to his daughter Navy Joan in 2018, Hunter refused to acknowledge the baby was his or pay child support. He settled with Roberts out of court in 2020 after a court-ordered paternity test proved he was the father of her baby. He continues to fight in Arkansas court to lower his child-support payments, and to prevent Navy Joan from using his last name.

A month after her October 2017 email encouraging Hunter to terminate his lease, Browning, seemingly desperate to be rid of him, followed up with another email:  “I do have good news – I spoke with the head office and they are willing to let you out of the lease as of December 31 this year,” Browning wrote. “Just wanted to make sure that you received my email below, and also to ask you to confirm so that we can prepare the lease termination documents.”

Hunter appeared not to respond to that email either. Browning sent a third email to Hunter on December 14 requesting confirmation of the lease:

“Hunter, we haven’t seen you for a while in the building and I wanted to make sure that you received my emails below–as you can see I now have the approval to terminate your lease as per our discussion in October (without any penalty) either December 31, 2017 or January 31, 2018–whatever is more convenient for you,” she wrote. “Please confirm so that we can start preparing the lease termination documents.”

Hunter’s assistant Katie Dodge finally responded on January 22, 2018, to Browning, saying that Hunter did not want to terminate the lease. About a week later, however, Dodge emailed Browning and indicated that Hunter would like to terminate the lease, and would be willing to pay “a few thousand” for any damage done to the living space.

“Yes, we are confirming that Hunter would like to terminate the lease and exit the unit at the end of February (Feb 28) and that the security deposit will cover the remaining rent less,” Dodge wrote. “We will pay you the few thousand more for any damage. You can let me know what that amount will be.”

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Debra Heine reports for American Greatness.
Background Photo “House of Sweden” by APK. CC BY-SA 4.0.




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