Ilhan Omar Joins Freshmen Democrats in Calling for Impeachment

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) has joined the chorus of Democrats calling for the impeachment of President Donald Trump in the wake of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report being released to the public.

“Impeachment is part of our constitutional responsibility,” the freshman Democrat wrote on Twitter this week. “We have an obligation to investigate whether the president committed impeachable offenses, including: obstruction of justice, violating the emoluments clause, collusion, [and] abuse of power.”

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-13) has been calling for Trump’s impeachment ever since she first entered Congress, and introduced a resolution last month that urges the House Judiciary Committee to investigate whether Trump committed any impeachable offenses.

“Everything outlined in the Mueller report is further proof of what I’ve been saying for a long time: it’s time to impeach. The first step? The House Judiciary Committee launching an investigation into whether Trump committed impeachable offenses,” Tlaib wrote on Twitter after Mueller’s report was released.

Rep. Al Green (D-TX-09) was among the only members of Congress to initially support Tlaib’s resolution, but Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY-14) announced Thursday that she would be adding her name to the resolution.

Ocasio-Cortez said Mueller’s report made it clear that it’s “Congress’ responsibility in investigating obstruction of justice by the president.”

“As such, I’ll be signing onto Rashida Tlaib’s impeachment resolution,” she continued. “Many know that I take no pleasure in discussions of impeachment. I didn’t campaign on it and rarely discuss it unprompted. We all prefer working on our priorities: pushing Medicare for All, tackling student loans, and a Green New Deal. But the report squarely puts this on our doorstep.”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), a 2020 contender, outlined the case for impeachment during an appearance on Rachel Maddow’s show Friday night.

“I was on an airplane yesterday and started reading it way into the night last night and I get to the end and realized: this is about a point of principle,” Warren said. “The report is absolutely clear that a foreign government attacked our electoral system to help Donald Trump. He welcomed that help, and then, when it was investigated by our own federal authorities, Donald Trump took multiple steps to try to obstruct justice.”

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of Battleground State News, The Ohio Star, and The Minnesota Sun. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Ilhan Omar” by Ilhan Omar







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One Thought to “Ilhan Omar Joins Freshmen Democrats in Calling for Impeachment”

  1. Brit

    Another sore loser and anti-Semitic Democratic who supports Islamic Terrorists showing us she has the right of free speech by demanding the overthrow of President Donald Trump and American Freedom. She joins the many cast of Democratic Socialists, who want Proud Americans to become slaves to the Democratic Party.
