Ilhan Omar Speaks to Elementary and Middle School Students Behind Closed Doors

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) was back in her home district Friday visiting students at elementary and middle schools throughout the area, but parents and press were allegedly not allowed to attend.

On Thursday evening, ahead of Omar’s visit to St. Anthony Middle School in Minneapolis, conservative activist Alley Waterbury altered her followers on Facebook to a protest that would be occurring.

“We must protect our children,” Waterbury said. “The school is asking for permission for their children to attend this event, but the parents are not allowed to attend themselves. This is a problem and no cameras.”

“Lecturing our kids behind closed doors with no parents is a no go,” she later added.

Waterbury and her fellow protesters contacted the school to express their concerns after Waterbury’s initial alert quickly spread on social media.

“Thank you for your feedback. Congresswoman Omar serves as the U.S. Representative for the 5th Congressional District, which includes St. Anthony. We understand some members of our community did not vote for Congresswoman Omar. When our local, elected representatives reach out to learn about our schools and school district, we always open our doors,” Principal Amy Kujawski wrote to Waterbury in response. “Congresswoman Omar’s visit will give us a chance to model civic discourse and engagement, yet we strive to offer this opportunity in a way that meets the needs of all families.”

The Minnesota Sun reached out to the school and Principal Kujawski for additional information, but calls and emails went unanswered.

Omar posted about her visits on Twitter Friday afternoon and thanked St. Anthony Middle School for inviting her to “speak with the Principal’s Advisory Council and over 230+ middle school students.”

“Education is the greatest equalizer. That is why I am committed to education equity and protecting resources all students need to succeed,” she wrote.

Earlier in the day, Omar spoke to a group of students at Anne Sullivan Community School.

“One of the best parts of my job. It’s so rewarding to be back in-district visiting with dedicated staff and curious students,” Omar wrote on Twitter. “Thank you Anne Sullivan Community School for the warm welcome.”

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of Battleground State News, The Ohio Star, and The Minnesota Sun. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Ilhan Omar talking to Middle Schoolers” by Ilhan Omar. 







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10 Thoughts to “Ilhan Omar Speaks to Elementary and Middle School Students Behind Closed Doors”

  1. Shelly

    Help me. I live in Minnesota, and no one is listening 🙁

    1. Matthew K Davila

      I hear you

  2. Joan D Daniels

    Dear God….America,,,,WAKE UP!!! Then GET UP and do something about it. WE sat by while one woman took prayer out of school. WE sat by and still do while our elected officials pass bills and laws destructive to the UNITED STATES of AMERICA and our FREEDOM.

    You did not post this saying I had already said this…NO I have not been on this site.

  3. Inmy Opinion

    she is there to brainwash them. Her statements and thinking are dangerous.

  4. Jane Pettit

    Whether the community members voted for her or not is beside the point! The point missed was that PARENTS WERE NOT INCLUDED! Just what was the school trying to HIDE?! And someone else asked, who exactly invited this anti-American to speak?

  5. Eddie

    This is bull and Omar is a very suspicious person to say the least. Keep an eye on her.

  6. Edgar Fletcher

    This is insanity. What parent relinquishes their child to such a travesty?

  7. Brian Banks

    Rep. Omar’s “speech” to school kids is suspicious. I have some questions:
    1) Who invited Rep. Omar to speak at the St. Anthony Middle School? 2) Were the parents of the school kids forbidden to attend and listen to Rep. Omar’s speech? If so, Why?
    3) What was the topic of the Speech? 4) Was a recording and/or a transcript made of her speech? 5) Did any adults witness her speech and give an account of what she said?
    6) Why is the Principal being so evasive?


    There should be absolutely no tolerance to a closed meeting. Hey Minnesotans, have you woke up yet?

  9. Carol Green

    We need to be careful. These are people trying to take over the world. They are insidious…they will kill us if we do not bend to their will. God help us…the God of Abraham, the Father of Jesus Christ…our Savior.


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