Immigrant Arrested for Murder Was Previously Deported at Least Eight Times

by Jason Hopkins


An illegal immigrant arrested for allegedly shooting and killing a co-worker in Oregon is discovered to have been deported at least eight times.

Deciderio Vargas-Ortiz, 52, was arrested for the alleged murder of Renee Luis-Antonio. The two worked together at a creamery in Milton-Freewater, Oregon — a town in the northeastern part of the state — and reportedly had a long-running dispute. Investigators believe Luis-Antonio was shot on Nov. 26 while riding a tractor.

Officer were able to locate and arrest Vargas-Ortiz a day after the alleged shooting. The suspect had fled to Washington state, where a SWAT team apprehended him in a local hotel.

As it turns out, not only was Vargas-Ortiz residing it the U.S. illegally, but he had already been deported back to his home country of Mexico at least eight times, according to a statement from an immigration spokeswoman. The suspect had also been operating under an alias — his real name being Antonio Vasquez Vargas.

“ICE lodged a detainer with the Benton County Jail on Antonio Vasquez Vargas, aka Deciderio Vargas Ortiz, a citizen of Mexico illegally present in the U.S., after he was arrested on local charges,” Tanya Roman, a public affairs officer for the U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement, said in a statement to The Daily Caller News Foundation.

“ICE has removed him from the U.S. on at least eight prior occasions. On March 15, 2004, Vasquez was convicted in U.S. District Court for violation of 8 USC 1326(B)(2) Aggravated Felon Re-Entry After Deportation and was sentenced to 39-months incarceration,” Roman continued.

Vasquez Vargas is currently being held in the Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office. The jail’s website reports he is being charged with one count of murder, one count of felon in possession of a weapon, and once count of INS detainer. His bail has been set at $5,000,000.

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Jason Hopkins is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation.  Follow Jason on Twitter. 













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27 Thoughts to “Immigrant Arrested for Murder Was Previously Deported at Least Eight Times”

  1. Judith

    Do you really think a wall will keep someone that persistent out? Besides, most illegal immigrants don’t come over that border. How about some high tech solutions and roads and more stations to enable us to better patrol the border as well as a means to process those who are actually requesting asylum not illegal entry?

    1. RK

      Yup, Nothing is 100% but a proper wall/barrier with razor wire, along with supplemental electronic surveillance, most likely will.

      Whats your answer? Do nothing? Send up drones that will do nothing other than keep count of those illegally crossing?

      1. Dan

        Damn right! We owe it to border patrol and our military/ veterans who are tasked with defending this country. Since we don’t typically see liberals like Judith being sent to fight, and they definitely aren’t volunteering to serve their country, we need to secure our borders, fund our military and keep our natural citizens safe.

    2. Ward Lemmon

      May be. Still need a wall.

  2. TW

    I have an idea. Move all these democrats that want these illegals here, down to southern border. all along the southern border, then open that border up. and every illegal crossing gets through. Let them deal with them that way. see if they scream HELP!

  3. Eric Carman

    But he is a dreamer looking for a better life, right?!

  4. Danni Smith

    for certain he would not have committed murder of this same person if he was only deported 7 times. My dream barrier has a cable on top that sends out 100,000 volts of electricity which burns up anything flesh to faint ash.

  5. dana blasi

    Chuck and Nancy have his back

  6. cynthia goldfarb

    I will pray for his soul, but demand his removal by death , also find out who kept releasing him, to go back home, and fine them some exorbitant fine to help build the wall.

  7. Lori

    What the hell….hang his ass. Don’t waste taxpayers money on him. We can provide the rope and spare a tree.

  8. If this cretin is ever deported again, he should be slathered in pig blood and dropped in a shark infested shoal off his Mexican coast. I guarantee he will not come back, even if he manages to survive. —— Well, doesn’t the release of this felon fit the leftist, liberal, demorat agenda?

  9. PissedOffPatriot

    But they’re just here for a better life…

    1. Judith Katz

      At the expense of ruining our lives w/sickness & welfare.

  10. Charles

    WAY to go Democrats…
    Let’s just open the borders and get it over with.
    Then and only then will Democrats understand,
    Hmm, maybe this Republican thing had some merit….

    1. Duane


  11. Eric

    Now it’s time that we have the Democratic Congress physically removed from Congress so we can get the wall built.
    They have brought it upon themselves that we can all see that they have no and will not have any intentions on working with the elected President or the 63 million Americans that elected him..

  12. David

    Immigrant???? isn’t he a criminal illegal alien invader? You give actual immigrants a bad name with your lies!

  13. Donna E Turner

    Bring back capital punishment.

  14. Bill

    This will be the norm for society if Sanders, Cortez, and the liberals take over.

  15. Robert Baggett

    You guys are all racist. Who among us has not killed at least one person…….. Just kidding. Lock him away for life and secure the dang boarder

    1. Carol

      Why should we provide him with room and board for the next 50 years? Kick his sorry ass back across the border and BUILD THE WALL!

      1. Linda

        If we deport him he will.come right back the Democrats are not going to.give us the wall most of us want

      2. Ken

        Excuse me! Since when is capital punishment no longer appropriate?
        8 times and now a murderer, not likely to change his ways at this age of life.
