In Georgia, RNC Officials Will Use All Tools Available to Fight Joe Biden’s Suit Against SB 202


Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said the organization will “use every tool at its disposal” to fight Joe Biden’s suit against Georgia over its new voter integrity law, Senate Bill 202.

McDaniel announced this in an emailed press release this week.

“This is nothing less than an open federal assault on the security of Georgia elections. Washington, D.C. bureaucrats are trying to legally strong-arm a state into making its voting process less secure. They’re doing so based on a growing body of lies and misinformation about what Georgia’s election reform actually does. The election legislation in question makes it easier to vote and harder to cheat, all with the aim of restoring Georgians’ confidence in their local elections,” McDaniel wrote.

“In other words, this legislation delivers popular solutions which all work to make Georgia elections more transparent and more efficient. More observers and increased transparency on election day benefits both parties. Preventing paid political operatives from interfering with your ballot’s chain of custody benefits both Republicans and Democrats. The only controversy here is that which Democrats are desperately trying to create for their own political gain.”

In April, McDaniel said her organization would hold Biden and other Democrats accountable for putting out false narratives about Georgia’s voter integrity law. She said Democrats’ distortions cost Georgia millions of dollars when Major League Baseball (MLB) pulled events out of the state.

McDaniel, in this week’s press release, said what MLB officials did was “cancel culture at its worst and Georgians haven’t forgotten.”

“Georgia’s businesses — many of them Black-owned — lost $100 million in projected revenue, and polling now shows a majority of Georgians oppose the MLB’s decision,” McDaniel wrote.

“Whether he’s using the woke mob or the Department of Justice, Joe Biden just can’t resist interfering in Georgia’s elections. This inappropriate federal overreach is a case study in big government run amok, and it won’t stand. The Republican National Committee (RNC) will use every tool at our disposal to intervene and defend election integrity in Georgia and nationwide. Playing politics with Americans’ confidence in our elections is indefensible. Republicans reject these continued assaults on election integrity and will continue fighting to make it easier to vote and harder to cheat.”

U.S. Justice Department officials, under Attorney General Merrick Garland, announced last month they will sue the Peach State over SB 202.

Georgia’s new voter integrity law requires voter ID on all absentee ballots, increases oversight of local election boards that fail to follow state election law, and secures drop boxes around the clock.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Ronna McDaniel” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0. Background Photo “Voting Booths” by Tim Evanson. CC BY-SA 2.0.










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One Thought to “In Georgia, RNC Officials Will Use All Tools Available to Fight Joe Biden’s Suit Against SB 202”

  1. Mark Knofler

    Did someone wake RINO Ronna up? She’s been really quite since 11/3. #VotetheBumsOut!
