In Missouri, Media and Organizers Overlook Power Struggle Threatening Women’s March in Kansas City

To protest the second anniversary of the inauguration of President Donald Trump, two area groups, Unity Southeast in Kansas City and Love Thy Neighbor-Kansas City, will host the “Women’s March KC 2019.”

For all the talk of love and unity, however, the wheels may be coming off the movement. Time will tell whether the organizers and their media enablers will face up to the disorder within.

As to details, marchers will walk from Kansas City Brookside area to Swope Park on January 19 “to demand equality for ALL humans.” To be more accurate, most humans. The “all” decidedly does not include the unborn. Nationally, organizers were not even subtle about excluding pro-life women two years ago.

For just about everyone else–save, of course, for cis-gendered, native born white males–the march will come as desperately needed therapy. During the last year, organizers tell us, “basic rights for women, immigrants, LGBTQ+, people with disabilities, the religious and nonreligious, people of color and even Mother Earth have struggled to survive under the weight of the current administration.”

Buttressed as they are by the media, progressives see no need to honor reality. In their eagerness to portray themselves as victims, they imagine the most free, fair, and prosperous piece of real estate in the history of the planet as a gulag. Scarier still, as an electoral strategy, this processed bit of paranoia may even be working.

It may not work much longer. In his commentary on the march, Tony Botello of Tony’s Kansas City makes a critical observation, namely that local march organizers ‘overlook the progressive crisis of conscience” that could derail the larger Women’s March movement.

On Monday, the founder of the movement, Teresa Shook, dropped a truth bomb on her colleagues. Shook singled out by name the gang of four that organize the movement nationwide and scorched them for allowing “anti-Semitism, anti-LBGTQIA sentiment and hateful, racist rhetoric to become a part of the platform.”

In the way of clarification, Shook cited the organizers’ “refusal to separate themselves from groups that espouse these racist, hateful beliefs.” Although Shook did not name the groups, Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam comes quickly to mind.

Revolutions almost inevitably eat their own. In the pursuit of enemies, the pure turn on the less pure. At this critical juncture it is still not clear whether Shook’s “Trotskyites” or Linda Sarsour’s “Stalinists” will get to define what “pure” means.

In the interim, it would be helpful if the media and the organizers themselves could at least acknowledge that the “Women’s Wave” has hit some rocky shoals.

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Photo “Women’s Day March” by Flickr: Mobilus in Mobili. 







Reprinted with permission from The Sentinel.

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