Incoming Texas Freshmen Threatened with Doxxing if They Join Conservative Campus Groups

by Jon Street


The Autonomous Student Network in Austin, Texas, a group that was previously suspended from Twitter after posting private information belonging to supporters of then-Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh, is now threatening to do the same to incoming University of Texas-Austin freshmen who join conservative student organizations.

“Hey #UT23! Do you wanna be famous? If you join YCT [Young Conservatives of Texas] or Turning Point USA, you just might be. Your name and more could end up on an article like one of these,” the group tweeted earlier in June, linking to a page on its website, on which it previously posted the private information, including emails and phone numbers, of Kavanaugh supporters.

“So be sure to make smart choices at #UTOrientation,” the group added.

A separate tweet read, “the best #LonghornStateOfMind is an antifascist one. If you begin to spot the young racists trying to join YCT or TPUSA, send us a tip so we can keep our reports up to date #UT23. Also, if you’re an antifascist/anarchist/autonomy inclined Longhorn, reach out & let’s link up!”

The same Twitter account that threatened to release the personal information of students who join conservative groups also marked the 15th anniversary of President Ronald Reagan’s death by tweeting a picture of the Republican president’s grave, along with the words, “Reagan died today [retweet] to piss on his grave.”

Additionally, the group used its Twitter account to solicit donations for legal fees to support the four Texas State University students arrested in connection with an incident in which a conservative student’s Make America Great Again hat was knocked off his head and stolen.

Sebastian Quaid, chairman of the Young Conservatives of Texas chapter at Texas State University, called the group’s threats “completely ridiculous!”

“This is the same thug mentality we have to deal with at Texas State,” Quaid told Campus Reform. “The irony of this is, when they were trying to ban conservative organizations at Texas State, they said it was because conservatives stalk, harass, and dox the liberal students.”

“Is this proof enough that these liberal students, who think this is ok, are mindless bullies?  They give our schools a bad name, they give our country a bad name, and they give our friends on the left a bad name.  They talk about kindness and acceptance, then turn around dox students, and potentially put a student’s life in danger, for what? A red hat?” Quaid continued.

“Modern liberals are the biggest hypocritical joke of the century. I think what they are doing is illegal and they should be expelled from our schools for doxxing other students,” Quaid said.

University of Texas-Austin spokesperson Shilpa Bakre told Campus Reform, “students should never be targeted or face harassment for their affiliations, political beliefs or any other reason. The anonymous group behind this doxxing is not affiliated with the university, is not a registered student group, and should not present itself in that way. As they did last fall, University Police are continuing to work to ensure the safety of any targeted students and monitor for any potential criminal actions.”

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Jon Street is the Managing Editor for Campus Reform. Follow Jon on Twitter and Facebook. Support Campus Reform by clicking here.
Images “Autonomous Student Network – Austin” by Autonomous Student Network.









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2 Thoughts to “Incoming Texas Freshmen Threatened with Doxxing if They Join Conservative Campus Groups”

  1. Randall

    The Left wins through intimidation.

  2. Carol Knighton

    The University of Texas is receiving $566,000,000 in contracts and grants this is year. While the amount from the federal government is unclear, we all know a goodly percentage of that nearly 1/2 BILLION comes from the feds. It is time We The People demand that the federal government withhold OUR money from universities and colleges that allow their students to behave in this manner!
