Indiana Attorney General: New York’s Abortion Law Is ‘Backward and Barbaric’

Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill is speaking out against New York’s radical new abortion law, which allows abortions “up until the very moment before the child’s birth.”

Hill explains that late-term abortions are now permissible so long as they are deemed “necessary” to protect the mother’s health, including her emotional health.

“New York’s extreme new pro-abortion law is backward and barbaric,” Hill writes in an op-ed for Fox News. “Because an unwanted child will always impact the mother’s emotional health, the law permits killing a child – who otherwise could survive outside the womb – based solely on the mother’s preferences at the moment.”

Up until now, Hill notes, the viability of a child has “largely been regarded as a sacrosanct barrier against pure utilitarian calculus,” but in New York that is “no more.”

“Everyone should support the health and equality of women, but New York has removed physician-only health protections and now permits killing viable babies even if only because they are girls. And while allowing unfettered decisions about abortion sounds like a liberationist dream, it leads to sickening and decidedly anti-woman outcomes,” Hill continues. “In some countries, eugenic abortions are eliminating the down syndrome population; elsewhere they are reducing the balance of the female population relative to males.”

In Hill’s home state of Indiana, abortions are prohibited after 20 weeks and are barred from being performed solely on the basis of the race, sex, or disability of the child. Additionally, Indiana requires medical personnel to cremate or bury aborted remains, rather than treating them as medical waste.

“New York’s extreme new anti-baby law only underscores the need for the Court to give states such as Indiana, which are willing to treat unborn babies as human beings, the leeway to do so,” Hill writes.

“While New York may choose to align with China and North Korea in a pink carnival of neonatal death, the Supreme Court must allow Indiana and other states to stand strong for a culture of life,” Hill concludes his Wednesday op-ed. “For if we are forced to live in a world where even viable unborn children have no more inherent value than farm animals, may God have mercy on us all.”

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of Battleground State News and The Minnesota Sun. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Curtis Hill” by Curtis Hill.
Background Photo “Indiana State Capital” by Massimo Catarinella. CC BY-SA 2.5.





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