Joe Biden to Harvard in 2014: ‘There’s Nothing Special About Being American’

by Ben Zeisloft


During a 2014 speech at Harvard University, then-Vice President and current Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said that there is “nothing special about being an American” and that one cannot define “what an American is.”

According to the Obama White House’s official transcript of the event, Biden said, “America’s strength ultimately lies in its people.  There’s nothing special about being American – none of you can define for me what an American is.  Can’t define it based on religion, ethnicity, race, culture.  The uniqueness of America is that we are a group of people who agreed on – whether we say it, whether we’re well-educated or not, whether we say it in terms of basic agreements but we really do believe without saying it, ‘We the People.’  ‘All men are created equal, endowed by their Creator.’  Sounds corny.  But that’s who we are.  That’s the essential strength and vibrancy of this country.”

Biden spoke at Harvard University for the school’s John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum. The school’s description of the event notes that he “spoke of the importance of America’s international role, discussing conflicts in the Middle East, Russia, and Asia. He also emphasized the need for a stronger American economy and greater trade.”

The unearthed comments come in the wake of renewed controversy over Hunter Biden’s ties to foreign nations.

The New York Posreleased a report detailing how Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, introduced the Vice President to a Ukrainian energy executive. The executive in question advises the board of Ukrainian energy firm Burisma, which reportedly paid Hunter Biden up to $50,000 per month, despite his lack of experience in the energy sector.

As the report notes, this directly contradicts the former Vice President’s claim that  he had “never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”

The Post learned this information from Hunter Biden’s discarded hard drive, an alleged copy of which The Post obtained.

A few days later, The Post  discovered an email between Hunter and a Chinese energy executive, which mentioned payment of “10” being “held by [Hunter] for the big guy.”

At the final presidential debate, Joe Biden repeatedly dismissed the allegations, calling Giuliani a “Russian pawn.”

“He is being fed information that is Russia, that is not true, and then what happens?” Biden. “Nothing happens, and then you find out everything that is going on here is about Russia is wanting to make sure that I do not get elected the next president of the United States because they know I know them, and they know me.”

Campus Reform reached out to the Biden campaign for comment and will update this article accordingly.

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Benjamin Zeisloft is a Pennsylvania Senior Campus Correspondent, reporting on liberal bias and abuse for Campus Reform. He is studying Finance and Marketing at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Image “Vice President Joe Biden” by the University of Harvard.







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One Thought to “Joe Biden to Harvard in 2014: ‘There’s Nothing Special About Being American’”

  1. pjj

    Fla not ready to give him up yet…
