Kamala Harris Refuses to Answer Question on Packing the Supreme Court

by Thomas Catenacci


Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris wouldn’t answer a question about packing the Supreme Court during the vice presidential debate Wednesday.

Harris refused to explain her position on packing the court during a discussion on the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to fill the vacancy left by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Vice President Mike Pence pushed Harris on her position multiple times.

“I think the American people really deserve an answer, Sen. Harris. Are you and Joe Biden going to pack the court if Judge Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed?” Pence said.

“The American people deserve to make the decision about who will be the next president of the United States,” Harris said after speaking about Abraham Lincoln. “And then that person can select who will serve for a lifetime on the highest court of our land.”

Pence responded: “People are voting right now, they’d like to know if you and Joe Biden are going to pack the Supreme Court if you don’t get your way in this nomination.”

Harris responded to Pence’s prompt by speaking about the Trump administration’s record of nominating conservative judges to lower courts.

“She never answered the question,” Pence said. “Maybe in the next debate, Joe Biden will answer the question.”

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden similarly refused to answer a question about packing the Supreme Court during the first presidential debate on Sept. 29.

“I’m not going to answer that question,” Biden said.

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Thomas Catenacci is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation.







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One Thought to “Kamala Harris Refuses to Answer Question on Packing the Supreme Court”

  1. mikey whipwreck

    time for a constitutional amendment, to avoid the crooked dems packing the court
