Kari Lake, Steve Bannon, Vivek Ramaswamy, Rep. Matt Gaetz, and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Headline Second Day of TPUSA’s Third Annual AmericaFest

PHOENIX, Arizona – The second day of Turning Point USA’s AmericaFest featured several more prominent conservative speakers Sunday evening. Kari Lake, Steve Bannon, Vivek Ramaswamy, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL-01), and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-AL-14) riled the crowd up denouncing the Republican establishment and the far left.

Greene began her talk by observing that “Joe Biden has been in office longer than I’ve been alive.” She said she is “constantly surrounded by people that serve the rest of the world and America last and it makes me so d*** angry every single day that I wrote a book about it.” She said, “They seem to forget that there’s 50 states of the United States of America; they think Ukraine is the 51st state.”

Greene said her book, titled MTG, exposes corruption in Congress and how J6 was a “setup.” She went after Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) for claiming there is not enough evidence to impeach Biden. She added, “Senator Graham needs to stop serving the Ukrainian people, and remember the people right here,” she said.

Greene said the 2020 election was “stolen,” and warned, “If they get the opportunity, they will steal it again.” She said the D.C. in Washington D.C. stands for “District of Corruption,” and that “it exists to serve itself.” Greene said everyone there either works for the federal government or for a major company that survives off of government contracts.

She criticized the spending on Ukraine, lamenting, “they are literally murdering a full generation of Ukrainian men.” Greene joked that “a degree will probably dumb you down,” and referred to her opponents as “communist Democrats.” She declared, “They put people in jail over their speech.”

She concluded her speech to roaring applause, calling to “send Trump back to the White House” and “gut” Washington D.C., including firing thousands of federal employees and shutting down agencies.

Ramaswamy told the crowd that three years ago, when he was working in biotech, he would have never believed the government “systematically lied” about major events like J6, 9-11, Russian collusion, the 2008 bailouts, the alleged kidnapping plot of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and more. He said the government didn’t show video of law enforcement using tear gas on attendees at J6, or “rolling out the red carpet” to usher them into the Capitol building.

He said the U.S. government paid to have COVID-19 created in a lab. He denounced the climate change movement, saying it “is a hoax because it has nothing to do with the climate and everything to do with China.”

Unlike all the other politicians who are “dancing to the tune of their biggest donor,” Ramaswamy said “my biggest donor is me.” He said, “I’d rather lose than be a slave.”

He called affirmative action “a cancer” that he would end. The son of immigrants, he said illegal immigration must be stopped, since the first action of people new to the country cannot be to commit a crime. He said he would use the military to deport them, and that putting the military on the border would solve the opioid crisis, along with reopening mental institutions and reviving faith.

Ramaswamy said he would limit elections to one day, and make it a national holiday, where the ballots would be printed in English. He lamented that our “culture of free speech” has been replaced by a “culture of fear. He said “God is real” and “there are two genders.”

He took questions from the audience. Tarik Johnson, who was working as a lieutenant for the Capitol Police during J6, asked Ramaswamy if the head of the Capitol Police, Yogananda Pittman, should have been required to reveal the results of an intelligence report she had well in advance of J6. Ramaswamy said yes. Johnson said he wore a MAGA hat at J6, and told Ramaswamy, “January 6 was an absolute setup.”

Ramaswamy said if elected president, he would pardon all peaceful J6 protesters on his first day in office, and release all government information related to it.

Gaetz said he does not accept contributions from federal lobbyists or PACs. He said the left is failing, because “who wants to vote for high crime, high taxes, high prices and low testosterone?” He said Trump is going to win the presidential election, Ramaswamy is his spirit animal, and he wants Tucker Carlson to be vice president. He pointed out the irony of the Democrats trying to remove Trump from the ballot in the name of democracy.

Gaetz observed that San Salvador has less crime than Baltimore, even though El Salvador is the most violent country in the world. He suggested executing drug dealers who distribute fentanyl. His message to Biden is “shut down the border or we will shut down the government.” The problem with Congress is it has become a “a dangerous uniparty fused together by a mutual interest in changing as little as possible,” with “both sides … far too often … working for the same special interests: big banks, big tech, big business, big pharma.”

Lake talked extensively about election wrongdoing during her speech. Although she is running for U.S. Senate, she has not given up her election lawsuits and continues to denounce the illegal activity that occurred in Arizona’s 2022 election. She began her talk, “We’ve shown the whole world” how they’re “rigging our elections” and “sabotaging election day.” She went on, “Because we’ve had the will to stay in the fight, we have continued and our cases are still moving along.”

She discussed the lawfare against her attorneys, who are facing state bar discipline for representing her. She said it because “we have struck a nerve, we have touched the topic we’re not supposed to talk about. … Now they’re starting to target us.” She referenced a defamation lawsuit that Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, an election fraud denier, filed against her for asserting that 35,000 ballots were injected into the 2022 election at the county’s vendor, Runbeck Election Services. There was no chain of custody for those ballots, which is a class 2 misdemeanor.

She said, “I’ll tell you what, I say to these corrupt individuals, bring it on.” She said we have “selections,” not elections due to corruption. She warned, “They want us all locked up, they want us all penniless, destitute.” Referencing Roseanne Barr, who spoke the previous day about how the left wants to put her in the Gulag, Lake said it was unfair since “Roseanne Barr, she just wants to tell jokes.”

Lake also warned, “We are on the verge of losing our First Amendment.” She reminded the mainstream media in the room that their “existence relies on the First Amendment.” She added, “If the First Amendment’s gone, you don’t have a job. Actually, maybe that’s a good thing.”

Lake asked people to raise their hands if they have ever “liked” a Trump tweet or retweeted him, then after they did, told them, “We’re on a list,” referring to the list the federal government created of people who had done that. “They want to silence us,” she said. “We should be flattered that they’re coming after us since we’re so powerful.” She explained, “We are a super majority. The left can’t pull a crowd like this if they tried,” it would “look like an Antifa riot.”

Lake said she wanted to discuss something positive — what the country will look like when it’s taken back. “Imagine a day when young girls don’t have to compete against mentally ill men who dress up in women’s clothes.” She looked forward to the day when those who “peacefully protest a rigged election” are “freed from prison” and “the real culprits who started that riot are locked up behind bars.”

Bannon gave the last speech of the night, harkening back to the founding of the country. He said we are in the midst of the “most important political movement in this nation since 1773,” when the Boston Tea Party launched the American Revolution. He warned, “They are coming for Trump. But they are coming for you too since you have Trump’s back.” He said, “The FBI has become the modern Gestapo.”

Bannon said Turning Point Action is effectively acting as the Republican National Committee (RNC). He said Donald Trump Jr. should replace Ronna McDaniel as RNC chair, and noted that the RNC hasn’t spent any money to secure the next election from voter fraud.

Bannon, who has his own popular War Room video show, criticized “Murdoch News,” or Fox News, as “TV for stupid people.” He said they tout “neocon” Nikki Haley for president, who is “as ambitious as Lucifer,” and who would be worse than “Judas Pence” in the West Wing.

He said the Secret Service should be investigating Robert Kagan, who wrote an article for The Washington Post making the “intellectual and moral case” to assassinate Trump, comparing him to Caesar.

Bannon had high praise for Trump, calling him “the new Cincinnatus,” since similar to Rome’s General Cincinnatus, Trump came back to rescue his land. He said it is important to back Trump, because he is one of only three men in history where “the destiny of one man is linked to the fate of the people.” Presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were the other two.

Speakers Monday evening include former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, Tucker Carlson, and Candace Owens. Coverage of the first day is here, and the agenda is located here.

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Rachel Alexander is a reporter at The Arizona Sun Times and The Star News NetworkFollow Rachel on Twitter / X. Email tips to [email protected].
Photos by TurningPointUSA.



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