Kentucky Man Wants Fewer Snowflake Meltdowns, More Honest Debate

Michael Morton considers himself a cautious supporter of President Trump. There are some things he really likes about the president, but in other areas he has some doubts.

His main mission in coming to Trump’s rally in Nashville on Wednesday was to draw attention to the way substantive discussions are being hindered by progressives who take offense easily and don’t want to engage in honest debate.

“I’m trying to get people to open their minds,” said Morton, who was carrying a sign outside the Nashville Municipal Auditorium that took aim at “snowflakes” and people needing safe spaces.

The 33-year-old Nashville native today lives in Bowling Green, Kentucky, where he attends Western Kentucky University. He previously served in the army. He’s studying Chinese in hopes of using the language someday in a business or government position.

Morton said he thinks Trump’s travel ban temporarily barring citizens from several Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S. is reasonable, and he also likes that Trump champions the 2nd Amendment. He’s not so sure about Trump’s handling of the repeal of Obamacare. “I don’t know if he had a solid plan before he went in,” Morton said.

For people to talk intelligently about the issues, they need to stop letting “talking head celebrities” tell them what to think and do more thinking for themselves, Morton said.

“I’m willing to listen to coherent, intelligent arguments,” he said.

He says he’s waiting for more people to start making them.

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