Latin American Criminals Hiding in Migrant Caravans

by Eric Lendrum


U.S. officials are warning that dangerous criminals are hiding in illegal alien caravans that are making their way to the United States, as Fox News reports.

According to the report, “gang members from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras” have hidden themselves among the caravans that travel to the United States, often in the thousands, to hide themselves among illegal aliens that don’t commit other crimes besides illegal immigration. Some of the criminals in question even commit crimes in the various countries they pass through along the way.

The assertion was made by Gissell Artiga, a spokeswoman for the Joint Border Intelligence Group, an international immigration control group that includes the United States. Artiga said that “it has been possible to identify these people at the border, they camouflage themselves among the victims of human trafficking, the migrants, for they can continue committing crime in the United States and now in Mexico.” Artiga also confirmed that among the criminals in question are members of the notorious gang MS-13.

As such, JBIG and other groups have worked to identify and single out these individuals as a priority. Last year, in a migrant caravan of approximately 1,600, 25 of them were members of MS-13, who were promptly deported from Mexico.

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Eric Lendrum graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he was the Secretary of the College Republicans and the founding chairman of the school’s Young Americans for Freedom chapter. He has interned for Young America’s Foundation, the Heritage Foundation, and the White House, and has worked for numerous campaigns including the 2018 re-election of Congressman Devin Nunes (CA-22).






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2 Thoughts to “Latin American Criminals Hiding in Migrant Caravans”

  1. 83ragtop50

    Of course criminals are using the caravans in their efforts infiltrate America. Just another reason to shut the border down tight. Zero illegal immigration is the goal. This includes finding and deporting those overstaying legal visas and foreign “students” who drop out and disappear.

  2. William R. Delzell

    Some of these Latin American criminals the U.S. has supported for well over a century! They are not the ones fleeing to our country, however. Rather, they are the dictators and drug-dealers that the U.S. supported in the name of anti-communism and anti-leftism. Instead of languishing in our inhumane detention centers, they site in their countries’ corridors of power enjoying ever generous U.S. tax-payer aid! They include Brazil’s Bolsenaro, Bolivia’s new female dictator, the right-wing insurgents in Venezuela, the Contras of Nicaragua, Rios Montt of Guatemale who genocided indigenous people for the benefit of U.S.-owned multi-national corporations, and the like.

    Eric, those are your REAL criminals! Go after them instead!
