Latinos For Tennessee Holds Health Fair At Memphis Middle School

Latinos For Tennessee recently held a health fair at a middle school in Memphis to help kick off the new school year.

“The fair had a great turnout,” said group spokeswoman Josie Ortega.

The Aug. 5 event at Kingsbury Middle featured health screenings for families and free food and school supplies. The pro-family conservative political action group partnered with the school and the Memphis Health Center in hosting the event.

Raul Lopez, executive director of Latinos For Tennessee, wrote an opinion piece for the Commercial Appeal Aug. 2 in which he noted that 38 percent of Latino children are overweight or obese, compared with 28 percent of white children, and that being Hispanic increases the risk factor for developing pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Memphis, along with Nashville and Chattanooga, has a fast-growing Hispanic population.

Lopez wrote:

For some, the answer is bigger government. A few years ago, then-New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg grabbed headlines by going after the sugary drink industry — a move panned by many and eventually ruled unconstitutional by an appeals court.

But what if there was a better way than relying on government to regulate what and how much we can eat?

As it turns out, there is and it starts with the family.

The truth is that healthy habits start at home. Children inherit beliefs and habits about diet and exercise from their families. If, as a parent, I never drink water, but always reach for orange soda, I can’t be surprised to discover my children have turned into sugar addicts…

To be sure, the government can play a role in providing us with more information and raising awareness about the benefits of healthy eating, but at the end of the day, this is about the local community, and about families passing on healthy habits to a new generation.

Latinos For Tennessee is headquartered in Nashville, but is involved in outreach efforts across the state. The group promotes faith, family, freedom and fiscal responsibility.

Another health fair at Kingsbury Middle is already in the works for next year.

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