Laurie Cardoza Moore on Her Run for State House District 63: ‘I Am Not Controlled by Special Interest Groups or Big Money Donors’

Laurie Cardoza Moore’s told The Tennessee Star Monday her views about the race for the Tennessee House of Representatives in the August 4 Republican primary, emphasizing her conservative credentials.

“As a concerned American and strong constitutionalist, I could simply not remain seated on the sidelines and watching the nation I love being destroyed, our rights and freedoms being threatened, and our Judeo-Christian values being trampled underfoot by enemies, both internal and external. This is what propelled me to move forward in my run for the 63rd. I am not controlled by special interest groups or big money donors,” she said in a detailed statement.

“Educational reform, election integrity, Second Amendment rights, pro-life agenda and Tennessee State sovereignty are key areas of interest to me, as well as the ‘kitchen table’ issues that include lower taxes and bringing new business to our state,” she continued. “Amid all challenges, I will stand strong in maintaining and pushing back against overreaching federal government controls. Tennessee must stand strong, and I am committed to stand strong for Tennessee!”

Cardoza Moore outlined her top three issues that she said she believes need to be addressed in the Tennessee House of Representatives.

The candidate stated that she believes one of those issues is “educational reform, which is the key to the future of both our state and our nation.”

“The next generation of leadership in America – our children – are under tremendous attack by curriculums and indoctrination being conducted in our Tennessee classrooms under the guise of education. As a current sitting member of the Tennessee Textbook & Instructional Materials Quality Commission appointed by House Speaker Cameron Sexton, I see firsthand the daunting challenges of maintaining our children’s best educational interests – especially in the current phase of ‘woke culture’ indoctrination being peddled by publishing interests that have a special interest agendas not reflective of our nation’s founding principals, history and traditional values,” she said.

“Tennessee must set a gold standard in educational reform that will create a mark of excellence for other states to follow,” the candidate added.

The issue of election integrity, Cardoza Moore said, is of great importance to her.

“Tennessee must secure the integrity and honesty of our voting system. Without securing fair and honest elections, there is no democracy and our republic will fail,” she said.

She is also a supporter of the Second Amendment.

“Tennessee must stand strong on the Second Amendment. Our citizens must be secure as a free state with the right to keep and bear arms. As witnessed by the recent attempt by the federal government to reach within our state and force the dismissal of our Tennessee National Guard over COVID mandates, our citizens must be educated on their rights to raise up and field a state militia,” said Cardoza Moore.

Lastly, the HD-63 candidate talked about her commitment to the Constitution.

“I am a committed, constitutional conservative. I will uphold the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of the State of Tennessee. At a time when as Americans we are facing the increasing threats of losing our liberties, and being forced into unconstitutional mandates and edicts from unelected bureaucrats, it is increasingly important that state legislators understand their duty to push against the encroachment of the federal government on state liberties,” she said.

Cardoza Moore is running for the Republican nomination in the August 4 primary.

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Aaron Gulbransen is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]. Follow Aaron on GETTR, Twitter, Truth Social, and Parler.
Photo “Laurie Cardoza-Moore” by Laurie Cardoza-Moore. Background Photo “Tennessee State Capitol” by Reading Tom. CC BY 2.0.


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2 Thoughts to “Laurie Cardoza Moore on Her Run for State House District 63: ‘I Am Not Controlled by Special Interest Groups or Big Money Donors’”

  1. B Anderson

    Well said, Stuart!

  2. Stuart I. Anderson

    “Never grow a wishbone where a backbone is supposed to be.” All too often Republican officeholders, especially those in the Tennessee General Assembly are wishbones. There is no doubt Laurie C. Moore would do her part to provide a much needed backbone. Vote Moore!
