Legal Immigrant Explains How to Enter America the Right Way and Says Illegals are a ‘Threat to National Security’

by Nick Givas


A U.S. immigrant from Nicaragua explained how she legally came to the United States, on “Fox & Friends” Monday, and said those who are coming in illegally are a “threat to national security.”

Amapola Hansberger referred to the caravan of migrants headed for the U.S. southern border as an “invasion and act of war” against America and said they constitute an “immediate threat.”

Host Brian Kilmeade asked how Hansberger she was able to come to America legally and she said she simply followed the process.

“I went to the embassy, filled out forms. [I] submitted myself to the vetting procession and waited patiently for the embassy to approve my coming,” she said. “That’s how people should do it.”

Hansberger claimed there’s no way to keep track of those who come over the border illegally and said some of them could be radicalized terrorists who plan to harm American citizens.

“They are a threat to our national security because today — war is not only countries that go to war, it is groups such as ISIS, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Taliban,” she added. “And they have declared war openly against the United States. So with the open borders policies we’ve had, how many of them are in America? That’s the question.”

“I believe that the numbers increase every time they come in successfully and at what point are we going to call them — call the organizers are committing an act of war?” she said. “Is it at 40,000? When they bring in 40,000 strangers?”

Hansberger’s comments come after President Donald Trump tweeted Sunday that migrants at the southern border who don’t apply for asylum in Mexico first will be turned away by American authorities.

Watch the full segment:

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Nick Givas is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation.  You can Follow Nick on Twitter.













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