New Court Filings of Autopsy Examiner Say George Floyd Likely Died of Overdose, Not Strangulation


New court filings of the Hennepin County Autopsy Examiner Dr. Andrew Baker show that George Floyd likely died of an overdose rather than strangulation.

On Monday, ex-officer Tou Thao’s counsel requested the complete medical witness opinions from both the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s Office and the Floyd family’s individual autopsy doctors, Dr. Michael Baden and Dr. Allecia Wilson.

In the witness contact form dated June 1, Baker confirmed that the original autopsy was performed the morning after Floyd’s death. The doctor stated that he didn’t watch any of the arrest videos before the autopsy.

Baker summarized some of his findings from the original 20-page report. He also referenced the toxicology report completed after the autopsy. Together, the reports indicate it was likely an overdose that caused Floyd’s death. Not strangulation.

The doctor noted that Floyd’s enlarged, hypertension-plagued heart alone would put anyone at risk for death because of a greater need for oxygen – which “certain intoxicants can exacerbate.”

Those intoxicants were likely fentanyl. Floyd had “fatal levels” of the drug in his system.

“Fentanyl at 11 ng/mL – this is higher than [a] chronic pain patient,” read the witness statement. “If he were found dead at home alone and [with] no other apparent causes, this could be acceptable to call an OD (overdose). Deaths have been certified with levels of 3.”

The doctor then stated that the toxicology report “more accurately reflects [the] actual cause of death.” He also stated that meth, which was also in Floyd’s system, was bad for the heart.

The results of Baker’s autopsy report were met with controversy in the community. Two Hennepin County Commissioners voted to not reinstate him in his position over the matter.

The Floyd family’s independent autopsy report was shared on the same day that Baker’s witness report was compiled. Unlike Baker, the independent examiners relied on the arrest videos as evidence in their report. They stated that Floyd died of asphyxiation under ex-officer Derek Chauvin’s knee.

Both doctors admitted that the results of their findings omitted toxicology reports, tissue samples, and some organs. The latest document filing outlining their findings does not offer any further explanation for their conclusions.

The officers’ tentative hearing is scheduled for September 11.

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Corinne Murdock is a reporter at The Minnesota Sun and the Star News Network. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to [email protected].








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8 Thoughts to “New Court Filings of Autopsy Examiner Say George Floyd Likely Died of Overdose, Not Strangulation”

  1. Trena

    I just don’t understand why did they give him a folded flag a known rapist not a veteran that absolutely boils my blood that was a disgrace something that should have never happened I may not agree with what the officers did but I don’t agree with everything that they’re doing in his name also a statue of him can you imagine being the family and the woman who he done that to having to see that what about her no one has even considered her can you imagine if he had been American Indian this would have never been a issue.

    1. suzanna jayne

      I agree. I dont like the knee on the neck but how can we ignore what got him there in the first place. Very sad…for George F and everyone it has affected.

  2. Stan Marshall

    Maybe we should reimagine criminals and stop crime, should work in loonyville

  3. John

    What a cluster f- this has turned into. IF this evidence is accurate, the cops should be fond innocent of at least murder.

    Whether it’s the liberal news media or incompetent state employees, we NEVER EVER get the full truth on anything. And look at our country now…..just look at it…….

  4. Barbara Cassell

    He still had a knee on his throat.

    1. Dave

      He was also foaming at the mouth, having a drug-induced psychotic episode, & resisting arrest. I’m not for choke-holds being used unless absolutely necessary, but that’s clearly not what killed George Floyd.

    2. Michael Braeside

      Neck, not throat. There is a difference. The pressure was applied to his Carotid artery which was still wrong from a detainment and control measure. Once he was handcuffed, he should have been stood up and placed back in to a position of comfort. The officer still violated basic policy which resulted in death, but the autopsy findings definitely play a part in the charging document and how it is viewed in a legal stance. The firing and charging of the officer was still justified, but more of a 3rd degree depraved heart charge instead of a 2nd degree murder charge.
