Lonnie Spivak Analyzes Early Voting Trends in Nashville Mayoral Runoff Election

In a specific discussion Monday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Leahy welcomed on the VIP line and former Vice Chairman of the Davidson County Republican party, Lonnie Spivak to the show. The men discussed some of the early voting trends in the Nashville Mayoral race along with some information in the district level. Spivak specifically requested that Republicans need to turn out in districts 16, 23, and 26.

Towards the end of the segment, Leahy questioned whether or not there was really such a thing as a moderate Democrat anymore.

Leahy: We’re joined by the Tennessee Star Report all-star panelist Lonnie Spivak. Former Vice-Chairman of the Davidson County Republican Party. A long-time conservative activist and election voting analyst extraordinaire. Lonnie, welcome to the Tennessee Star Report.

Spivak: Good morning Michael. Thanks for having me on.  I’m glad to be part of the panel.

Leahy: Yes. And by the way, it’s going to be a lot of fun when we do this special live broadcast on 98.3 and 1510 WLAC this Thursday night. 7 pm to 10 pm. And we’ll be at Jason Aldean’s. Have you been to Jason Aldean’s yet?

Leahy: You’re going to love it. It’s like on the second floor, but it’s really fantastic. I went and I looked at the studio and it’s a spectacular studio. You and I and all the other all-star panelists are going to be there. We’ve got dedicated microphones. We’ve got a green room for our guests waiting out. Just like a real big-time show.

It’s very exciting. Of course, you’ve been looking at the early voting results in the Nashville Mayoral run-off. Of course, it’s an at large metro council run off which will be held Thursday. Early voting ended on Saturday?

Spivak: Yes.

Leahy: And basically because you are an election expert, a political expert, you’ve been reviewing the early voting data. What we have.  What can you tell us about that? What does it tell us?

Spivak: It’s pretty much our standard election. The turn out we’ve had a higher turnout then I thought so far in early voting. About 39,000 votes. At least from election history, we had about 49% what I would consider hard Democrat vote and 30% hard Republican vote with 21% Independent. And you know those will probably split about 50/50. So we’re at our a typical 60/40 Republican, Democrat in this election so far.

Leahy: So despite the fact that this is my view, there’s not really a Republican option at the Mayoral level or conservative option. There is a conservative option at the metro council at large level, which is Steve Glover and not the other seven, as I call them left-wing lunatics. So the Democrat machine hasn’t turned out more for this election. Is that what you’re saying so far.

Spivak: Yes. So far they haven’t turned out more. I think once we look at the Independent, the Republican vote may be a little higher than we normally see. But we won’t know until the results have been made public. And we do have a couple of district runoffs too that are of interest. Where we have people that are right of center running in a couple of those districts.

Leahy: So, I have not really honed in on that so much. Can you identify those districts for us, Lonnie? And then tell us what the early results might indicate there? The early voting results so far

Spivak: Sure. As far what I would call Republican moderate in district 16 we have Tony Tenpenny who’s running against a socialist. And what I would say is he really needs Republicans to turn out and vote in that district.

Leahy: And that’s district 16. Where is district 16?

Spivak: Geographically I’m not sure where all of the numbers are. I can just kind of look at the data.

Leahy: We’ll find that out. But here’s the thing about this. The reason why Tony Tenpenny is memorable. If you see Tony Tenpenny he’s right of center and he’s running against a socialist in district 16. I love alliterations as you know. What’s a better alliteration then Tony Tenpenny? That’s good.

Spivak: Yeah, that is good. In district 23 we have Tom Druffle versus Nina Johnson. Tom is the more moderate Republican candidate in that district. Right now I feel like it may be leaning Tom’s way but he again needs Republicans to turn out. And that’s the West Meade area.

Leahy: Ok, district 23. How do you spell Tom’s last name?

Spivak: Druffle. D-r-u-f-f-l-e.

Leahy: D-r-u-f-f-l-e. Tom Druffle in district 23. And he’s running against Nina Johnson who’s from what I can tell, she’s an incumbent.

Spivak: She’s pretty far out there.

Leahy: She’s far left. And I don’t think it would be inappropriate to call her a left-wing lunatic.

Spivak: (Chuckles) It wouldn’t be inappropriate.

Leahy: Nina, you’re welcome to come on in and disprove us that you’re a left-wing lunatic. But Tom and Tom Druffle come in as well. We’ll invite Tom to come by our special election night coverage Thursday, 7 pm to 10 pm broadcast live here from Jason Aldean’s with our all-star panelists including Lonnie Spivak. So, Lonnie, you’ve got district 16, district 23. Any other district races that you want to comment on?

Spivak: We have district 26 we have Courtney Johnson in district 26. Right now I think it’s maybe leaning her way. But then again she’s going to need Republicans to come out and vote because it’s neck and neck. We’ll have to see how the Independents votes go.

Leahy: So, district 26, Courtney Johnson, who’s a conservative. Who’s she running against? Is it an incumbent?

Spivak: Somebody named Elrod.

Leahy: Elrod. Elrod. Well just on that you should vote against him. But I do know our good friend Norm Partin who’s also going to be a special guest by the way in our broadcast. Not on our all-star panel like you, but a special guest Norm  Partin.

Norm, by the way, is going to be our ambassador to the Cooper campaign because he likes John Cooper who we call very very bad in contrast to David Briley who we call very very very bad. I know Norm thinks very highly of Courtney, but he’ll be able to talk to us in our special broadcast. Who else do you highlight there at the district races?

Spivak: There’s a couple that are really more Democrat versus Democrat but that are of interest to us.

Leahy: Do we want to talk about Democrat versus Democrat? OK.

Spivak: When you have a moderate Democrat versus a left-leaning Democrat. I think it’s worth mentioning.

Leahy: You’re the all-star expert and panelist on this. So, to describe those races then…

Spivak: In district two you have a moderate Democrat named Acosta Hastings. He’s running as one of those avowed socialists and LGBT people.

Leahy: Immigration rights, illegal alien rights proponent.

Spivak: Activist. Yeah. They’re kind of more the crew type of AOC and Tlaib and stuff.

Leahy: The squad. (Chuckles)

Spivak: Yeah, the squad.  As you know as far as governing I’d rather have Cost there in district two. And in district 13 there’s also a moderate Andrew Dickson. It’s Democrat versus Democrat and I can’t really tell you how the numbers are going to go based on party. Andrew Dickson would be one we’d prefer to see up there.

Leahy: OK. I have to just stop here for a moment. And you talk about classic oxymorons. An oxymoron like two words that just don’t go together. So the classic one, of course, is Army intelligence which people make fun of all the time.

Spivak: Jim Bochan.

Leahy: Moderate Democrat. I mean, I know that’s how you describe them. When they’re running against outright socialists I think that’s good. But moderate Democrat…hmmm. I just have a hard time…

Spivak: I think there’s still a few.

Leahy: Really? Endangered species. Moderate Democrats.

Spivak: That may be true but I believe there’s still a few.

Listen to the full hour:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 am to the Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.










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