Lost Video Rant By State Representative-Elect London Lamar Saying ‘Tennessee Is Racist’ Retrieved

A livestreamed video showing newly-elected State Rep. London Lamar (D-Memphis) complaining Tennessee is full of racists and uneducated white people got removed from Lamar’s Facebook page Friday.

But The Tennessee Star has a copy, which readers may find here:


The video was apparently originally published Wednesday morning, and includes Lamar’s analysis of the midterm election results.

“Looking here at Tennessee, let’s just call a spade a spade,” Lamar said in the video, beginning at the 2:01 mark.

“Tennessee is racist, period. Period. And if you for one moment thought that white people in Tennessee were going to leave their own to jump over here and give us more access, they just told you last night it’s not happening,” Lamar continued.

“If we look at some of the numbers last night, white men voted Republican well over 60 or 70 percent,” the newly elected Democrat State Representative from Memphis added.

“Obviously, that is a particular base of people who believe in superiority. They don’t believe in sharing their wealth. They don’t believe in sharing resources. They believe that you need to work for your own, and they went to the polls and voted,” Lamar added.

Later in the video, at the 5:10 mark, Lamar said “most of the people in Tennessee who voted Republican are uneducated.”

“I also think we need to stop acting like we’re in post-racial America, people,” she added at the 6:10 mark of the video.

“We are not. Tennessee is racist. Like these people–I don’t want to say these white people– in Tennessee, have voted against you. And not just a little bit, but a lot of bit. So I think you all need to realize that, who’s your real enemy here?” she asked.

“I think that, as an African-American community, and this is what I’ve been preaching, we need to come up with a policy platform, a concise policy platform that we’re going to push because, right now, this is no different than 1968. The only difference is they can’t necessarily, like, hang us by a noose or outwardly kick us out of restaurants or things like that, but they are still exercising their right to vote and they are still supporting candidates who openly express they will suppress our community,” Lamar continued. (emphasis added)

Whoever removed the video from Lamar’s Facebook page, originally published on Wednesday, did so only hours after The Star published a story about the video and linked to it in a story published shortly after midnight Thursday/Friday. But early Friday morning readers were unable to see it.

Many people from Tennessee and other states shared the story on Facebook and Twitter Friday.

As reported, on the video, Lamar, among other things, reprimanded white men for wanting to keep more of the money they earn. She also suggested allowing felons to vote will help elect more Democrats.

Many Tennesseans on social media condemned Lamar’s rhetoric, although others defended her.

On Twitter, Bob Boutiette (BoutietteBob) tagged Lamar and told her to open her mind to other perspectives.

“Hey London Lamar, ever think we vote conservative because your socialistic views suck and don’t work. You obviously are ignorant to how all people prosper. Get over your racist self. Good luck Memphis. #LondonLamar

Meanwhile, Jerry Woods (JerryWoods8491) also weighed in.


“This poor child has been indoctrinated by public schools or perhaps Steve Cohen’s chaos politics! She will be an obstructionist in our state legislature. She needs to be recalled or replaced in next election. Praying she is not placed on many.”

But some people defended Lamar’s rhetoric, including Jeff Woods (FakeJeffWoods).


“New state representative speaks the obvious truth and wingnuts go crazy. As andrew gillum says, ‘a hit dog will holler,’” Woods wrote.

On the Facebook page Wake Up Memphis, where a group member shared The Star’s story, Nehemiah Webb said in the comments section that “black people can’t be racist.”

“You have to be in a position of power to be racist it’s a sense of superiority and making others feel inferior and that’s not black people, no being prejudiced is another thing all together,” Webb wrote.

As of Friday afternoon, Lamar did not address the controversy on either her Facebook or Twitter pages.

On the video, Lamar also castigated white Republican men for not sharing their wealth and asked her followers to think about whether white people, particularly “right-wing crazies,” are their enemy.

– – –
Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].









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35 Thoughts to “Lost Video Rant By State Representative-Elect London Lamar Saying ‘Tennessee Is Racist’ Retrieved”

  1. […] don’t believe in sharing their wealth,” Lamar said in the video, published by The Tennessee Star. “They don’t believe in sharing resources. They believe that you need to work for your own, and […]

  2. mike

    There is only one way to answer Ms. Lamar. Make her live by the policies SHE espouses.
    – Every time she gets paid, give 3/4 of HER income to the community so they will have “more access”.
    – Instead of 10% of black males, make 40% of the black males in her community vote Republican (since 60% of the racist white men voted Republican by her account, and only 40% of white racist men voted Democrat).
    – Make “[black] people in Tennessee leave their own to give the asian, hispanic, and middle-eastern people of Memphis more access.
    – Make all non-black candidates for any office “only cater to ‘their own'”, since trying to cater to all citizens is a losing proposition.

  3. James D Lowder

    If this is the platform she ran on to get elected we now know what we’re up against. She has the majority of Memphis convinced that the state of Tennessee is a racist state. This is one stupid little girl who by her own words has proved she is a racist. Not only that but her comments about white men sharing what they earned, which obviously means she wants you to give what you’ve earned to black people that are to lazy to get up and work for themselves. She speaks as if she thinks that 13% of the population knows more about what our state and country needs than the other 87% knows. I moved here from Florida 40 years ago and from what I’ve seen most folks , black and white, get along pretty good here in Tennessee. But people like her thrive on division with her racist attitude. And as far as being uneducated, well little girl I’m a veteran with a pretty good education and a lot of years of experience in life. But I also, from many years of dealing with people, know what you are. And that is a racist agitator who should never have been elected to any office. Public or private. And you are definitely not very well up on the words and lessons Martin Luther King was trying to teach us all. And that is not to hate anyone because of the color of their skin. Even you. I don’t hate you, I pity your self absorbed life that does not see or allow the truth to come into your feeble little mind.

  4. Loretta

    How can we get her out..

  5. A bunch of racist people elected you.

  6. Linda

    This elected individual needs to recognize that she represents her ENTIRE constituency not just the ones she identifies with racially. I am apalled by her overt racism and immature attitudes.

    1. Susan

      Linda, this is who they are, what they do—they don’t represent anyone but themselves. Expecting them to be objective, or represent whites, or be honest is just naive.

  7. Tom

    Uh, you know, uh uh uh.

  8. TJ

    And she says she was blessed, and has a job? Racist pandemonium at its best. She needs to write a book about How a Black Ignorant woman can survive in today’s Political World. They can’t earn it, or make it, or work for it, the easy out is blame the White Society. Maybe run for office in Africa, maybe you won’t have to run after your food, Ignorant!

    1. Loretta

      How can we get her out..

      1. Ralph

        Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act maybe?

  9. Rick

    What an ignoant racist. She is beyond stupid! Her policy if you do not vote black you are racist! Ignorant!

  10. Claire

    Unbelievable. “Obviously, that is a particular base of people who believe in superiority. They don’t believe in sharing their wealth. They don’t believe in sharing resources. They believe that you need to work for your own, and they went to the polls and voted,”

    Of course you need to work for your own! Why should everything be handed to you??? I work hard for what I have and have always worked. I don’t expect to be handed anything for free and without working for it. Hell, it gives me a sense of pride to say “I worked for that and I earned it”. I have self respect. And I am an educated white female republican. I’m not a racist, but I believe there is a large amount of black against white racism in TN, and in particular Memphis.

  11. John R

    “They don’t believe in sharing their wealth. ” That’s correct. They believe in EARNING their wealth, and not STEALING someone else’s worth.

  12. Teresa

    This just goes to show her intelligence and people want to know why their is racism in this country listen to this uneducated African woman not African American. This whole video is nothing but racism…..bought votes… majority of words said was um, whitemen, give more money.

  13. Ralph

    Notice how there is not one mention in her entire presentation on self-improvement – doing better in school, developing marketable skills, establishing a strong nuclear family, acting responsibly, avoiding drugs and alcohol, subscribing to a moral code – not one mention. Instead, it’s all about victimhood and self-imposed dependency. In her worldview, her “community” is on the right track, they’re just victims of racism.

    She, along with her fellow race-baiting totalitarians, want one thing, and one thing only: power. She wants to keep a large segment of the population on the urban plantation, a population entirely dependent on the largess she can provide by stealing from the productive elements in our society. What she fears most of all is a shift in attitude toward self-reliance, prosperity gained through dint of honest work and self-improvement, and the self-esteem that results.

    Governor-elect Lee presented a straight-forward unifying theme throughout his campaign, one that transcends the divisiveness of race, sex, and/or political partisanship, and that is this: what (responsible, moral) people want are three things – a good job, a good education for their children, and a safe neighborhood. He also characterizes Tennessee as being a rural state with a few large cities – the rural counties need to recognize that opportunity and draw investment and development away from the urban centers of power and wealth. That, in turn, will determine the degree of success that his platform will realize. Coincident with that success will be the further marginalization of people like Representative-elect Lamar.

    Now, miracles happen. She could shift her mindset away from dependency and toward developing self-reliance, morality, and prosperity for her self-declared “community.” I, for one, would be delighted if she did, all of Tennessee would benefit. But that’s not my responsibility, it’s hers, and that of the “community” she represents. She has an opportunity to develop and promote that agenda through leadership. Based on what she had to say on the video here, I’m not holding my breath.

  14. Kevin

    GREAT job documenting this video for posterity. As a “white” Tennessean, who along with many other “whites”, worked his tail off trying to get Dr. Carol Swain elected as Mayor of Nashville, I should probably be offended. But I’m not. This video represents the same kind of misguided, untrue, racist rhetoric that leftists have been spewing for years. I don’t care about where you claim to sit on the pantone chart. I care about what’s in your heart!

  15. […] UPDATE: The Tennessee Star has retrieved the video – see more details here. […]
