Louisville Black Lives Matter Organizer Asks White People To Give Up Homes


An organizer for the Louisville chapter of Black Lives Matter has published an expletive-laced list of “10 requests” for white people, which includes asking white people who can afford to downsize to give up their homes.

“White people, if you can afford to downsize, give up the home you own to a black or brown family. Preferably a family from generational poverty,” reads one suggestion from Chanelle Helm, co-founder and core organizer of the Louisville group.

Another reads: “If you are a developer or realty owner of multi-family housing, build a sustainable complex in a black or brown blighted neighborhood and let black and brown people live in it for free.”

Helm’s list was published Aug. 16 by LEO Weekly, an alternative newsweekly in Louisville, Kentucky.

She also asks white people without descendants to will their property “to a black or brown family. Preferably one that lives in generational poverty.” In addition, she asks, “White people, if you’re inheriting property you intend to sell upon acceptance, give it to a black or brown family. You’re bound to make that money in some other white privileged way.”

Helm also addresses the workplace and asks white people to “get a racist fired…You are complicit when you ignore them. Get your boss fired cause they racist too.”

In addition to Chanelle Helm’s personal PayPal account information and handles for other donation opportunities, the list is finished with the hashtags: #RunUsOurLand #Reparations #YouGonLearnToday #RunUsOurMoney.

The anti-white rant seems to have alienated many readers who identify themselves as liberal and sympathetic to Black Lives Matter.

For instance, John commented:

I am a supporter of the BLM movement but not like it is suggested in this article. This article will convince no one to do anything. It is too in your face and insulting to white americans. It comes off as an uneducated angry person spewing hate speech towards white people. …

Commenter Joe replied:

Is this satire? I mean it. Is this a joke?

… It takes some serious skill to make an ultra-liberal like myself sympathize with Nazis. But this incredibly bigotted, anti-white rant is exactly what does it. …

Lea, a first-generation immigrant from Germany objected:

As a “white” woman who has always stood up to racism and taught my children to as well, I find the slamming of all white people in this article as bad as anyone who stereotypically labels anyone. This idea that’s “this was done to us and now it’s your turn” does not make it justified or ok. It’s never ok, never. Not all “white” people are prejudice, not all “white” people in this country owned slaves. I’m first generation born here. My grandfather was a Holocaust survivor. I certainly don’t blame all Germans, and was taught not to hate by my grandfather who lost everything and everyone he knew. …

To see the complete list, go to leoweekly.com/2017/08/white-people.



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14 Thoughts to “Louisville Black Lives Matter Organizer Asks White People To Give Up Homes”

  1. Rosalie Walker

    Not on your best day will I give you anything, go work for your own like I did.

  2. canipleasesit

    Can I has some house too. Someone gimme some house.

  3. Donavan Rupard

    … I am white and this is plain stupid I would never willingly give up my property to someone who never got off their lazy butt and got a job these demands are stupid or just a way to blow off steam but I strongly hope this woman doesn’t mean this

  4. Ezell Faraday

    Gimme some mo!

  5. Nosey person

    Get a job and Work for it like the rest of us do. We are not GIVING you nothing! Not a damn thing. Quit trying to bully people.
    America against BULLYING!
    An tell a solider to give you his home and part of what he worked for, I DARE YOU.
    Grow up and get a job.
    Love before hate. ✌ 😇🙏💖

  6. yeah she doesnt expect anyone one to to donate shes probably just relieving some hate real quick. blowing out the lines. she doesnt expect people to donate she was just trying to get a reaction…. and of course she did. sad part is though you see she left her information just in case there is some white guilt aspiring rapper who just wants to fit in with the cool black crowd so bad im sure she got a few donations.

  7. Syd

    She is obviously mentally ill… or someone is paying her. As an African American woman I work for what I have or anything I want.

    I call BULLPUCKEY!!!

    She should be ashamed of herself and she is an embarrassment.

  8. Ray Howard

    this is so sad.

  9. Beth

    Tell her lazy butt to work for it.

  10. […] Louisville Black Lives Matter Organizer Asks White People To Give Up Homes […]

  11. Jim Subyrt

    Want my stuff,then pay my bills.
