Mae Beavers Bashes Bushes and Boyd for Undermining Trump Presidency

Republican gubernatorial candidate Mae Beavers took the gloves off on Saturday and bashed former President George W. Bush, failed 2016 presidential candidate Jeb Bush, and gubernatorial rival Randy Boyd for undermining the presidency of Donald Trump.

“We don’t need globalists who oppose the Trump agenda leading the country or the state of Tennessee,” Beavers told The Tennessee Star in an exclusive interview on Saturday.

“That’s what you get with George W. Bush, Jeb Bush, and Randy Boyd,” the former State Senator from Mt. Juliet added.

Beavers criticized Boyd for the leadership role he plays in one of the largest globalist organizations in the country.

“Randy Boyd is a named member of the New American Economy, along with Democrats Rahm Emanuel and Karl Dean,” Beavers noted.

Boyd’s position with the New American Economy, formerly known as the Partnership for a New American Economy (PNAE), was reported by The Star in March.

The Star noted  that “included in PNAE’s ‘15 key economic issues of immigration reform in America’ are:”

  • Supporting legal status for the 11.4 million undocumented immigrants which PNAE says pay taxes and do the jobs American citizens won’t do, and despite being in the country illegally, “even start their own businesses.” In a 2014 Wall Street Journal oped, PNAE co-founder Rupert Murdoch said that illegal immigrants who are already here should be provided a path to citizenship.
  • Supporting resettlement of refugees who PNAE says that after living in the U.S. between 16-25 years are earning well above the income of refugees who have been here for five years or less. Moreover, PNAE believes refugees are the answer to reviving aging and declining communities.
  • Pushing state and local policymakers to support in-state college tuition for illegal immigrant students.

Dean, the former mayor of Nashville, is the leading candidate for the Democratic nomination for governor.

Beavers also specifically criticized former President George W. Bush for undermining the presidency of Donald Trump in a speech he delivered in New York City on Thursday that has been widely panned by conservatives, including Steve Bannon, executive chairman of Breitbart News and former chief White House strategist for President Trump.

“I find it strange that George W. Bush didn’t see fit to speak up for eight years during the reign of Barack Obama,” Beavers said.

Boyd, a wealthy businessman from Knoxville, made news on Wednesday when he announced that former President George W. Bush’s younger brother, Jeb Bush, a failed 2016 presidential candidate and leading “Never Trumper” critic of the president, will be the featured speaker at a fundraiser for him scheduled for November 30 in Nashville.

Both Beavers and Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-06), another candidate for the Republican nomination for governor, blasted Boyd for bringing Bush in to Tennessee on his behalf, as The Star reported:

Representative Diane Black’s gubernatorial campaign was quick to respond, with a sharp email blast to media with the cheeky subject line: ‘Please Clap.’

“Today, it was announced that Jeb! would be coming to Tennessee to fundraise for ‘moderate Republican’ Randy!” the statement begins.

It continues:

It’s no surprise that Randy Boyd would bring in Jeb Bush to shake down Nashville donors…besides, they agree on pretty much everything.

  • Jeb Bush said Donald Trump was the “chaos President” and refused to vote for him. Randy Boyd said supporting Trump would be “anathema to me.”
  • Jeb Bush said illegal immigrants come out of an “act of love.” Randy Boyd gave $250,000 to a group that helps illegal immigrants integrate into Tennessee society.
  • Jeb Bush helped create Common Core education standards. Randy Boyd is a “staunch supporter” of Common Core.

Beavers offered her own pointed criticisms of the Jeb Bush/Randy Boyd fundraiser:

“As for Randy Boyd, his decision to bring the very unpopular Jeb Bush to Tennessee on his behalf shows how out-of-touch he is with issues affecting Tennessee’s schools,” Beavers says.

“In fact, Jeb Bush is the biggest cheerleader for the kind of standardized testing that has failed so miserably here in Tennessee,” she concludes.

On Thursday, Boyd doubled down and defended Jeb Bush against the devastating barbs delivered by Beavers and Black.




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2 Thoughts to “Mae Beavers Bashes Bushes and Boyd for Undermining Trump Presidency”

  1. 83ragtop50

    I do not know much about Mae, but I really like how she took the Bushes and La Raza to task.

  2. Dave Vance

    Mae tells it like it is! Tennessee needs Mae for Governor! She has the record to support her record!
