Major League Baseball Legend Curt Schilling to Relocate to Tennessee


Former Major League Baseball player Curt Schilling is relocating from Boston to Tennessee, according to several media outlets.

The Tennessee Star contacted Schilling through his personal Facebook page Friday, but he did not respond to a request for comment.

Schilling this week has livestreamed a couple of videos on Facebook from Nashville and Franklin. In those posts, Schilling’s Facebook friends reference his move to Tennessee.

USA Today reported Thursday that Schilling’s remarks against transgendered people and Islam, among other comments on various subjects “have cost him fans even though he helped the Red Sox win World Series titles in 2004 and 2007.”

“Outside of our circle of friends, it hasn’t been a real pleasant experience in Boston,’’ Schilling reportedly told the paper.

“So we’re just trying to find a place to live out our lives with happiness with people that are nice, and Tennessee is it.’’

The paper went on to call Schilling, 54, “a far-right social media firebrand.”

Schilling told The Boston Globe Friday that he and his family will leave Boston “for good” once his wife finishes her cancer treatments and that “outside of our circle of friends, it hasn’t been a real pleasant experience in Boston.”

According to, Schilling was a leading pitcher in the 1990s and helped the Arizona Diamondbacks and the Boston Red Sox win the World Series.

“Schilling joined the sports network ESPN in 2010, serving as a cohost on in-studio baseball shows and as a commentator on games the network broadcast. In 2015 the politically outspoken Schilling was suspended for a month for sharing a Twitter post that compared extremist Muslims to Nazis,” Britannica said.

“The following year he was fired from the network after sharing an anti-transgender post on Facebook. In October 2016 he began hosting a daily online radio program that focused on conservative politics.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].







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One Thought to “Major League Baseball Legend Curt Schilling to Relocate to Tennessee”

  1. Kevin

    Ooh, now this is very interesting!

    Schilling is a staunch believer in our country’s founding principles and a patriot (even if he was a Red Sox). He has at several times been rumored to be interested in running for US Senate or Congress. AND, was an early and vocal supporter of Donald Trump, unlike our two US Senators, Blackburn and Haggerty, who both abandoned him at the 11th hour! Let the games begin!

    Welcome to Tennessee! And if the time comes, you’d get my vote.
