Manny Sethi Releases New Ad Entitled ‘Mobs’


U.S. Senate candidate Manny Sethi this week released a new television ad entitled “Mobs” that calls out leftists for the nation’s recent civil unrest.

Markets statewide began playing the television ad Thursday.

“The radical Left is burning and looting our cities, while telling us America is racist. I’ve had enough of them, and of cowardly Republicans who won’t stand up to them. That’s why I’m running,” Sethi said in an emailed press release.

People may see the ad on the Sethi campaign’s Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube pages.

In the ad, Sethi says the following:

“Sick of the mobs yet?

Of the looting? The burning? Rioting?

Of liberals saying you’re a racist, and that watching American cities get ripped apart is a chance for you to examine your privilege?

Are you sick of cowardly Republicans so afraid of being called racist by the mob, that they won’t defend America?

Me too, that’s why I’m running.

I’m Manny Sethi, and I approve this message.”

As The Tennessee Star reported this month, Sethi also released an ad entitled “Leftwing Lockdown.”

“For the last three months liberals said social distancing is so important, you deserve to be arrested if you go out to eat or go to church with too many people. They destroyed small businesses and ruined lives,” Sethi said at the time.

“But now, apparently, protesting next to thousands of people is fine, as long as it’s for a woke liberal cause. It’s total hypocrisy.”

Sethi’s earlier ad said the following:

“Across America, opening a business is a crime. Burning a business is not?

Dinner with neighbors gets you arrested. Beating neighbors does not?

Church with too many people is a crime. Thousands of people protesting is not?

Got a problem with any of that? You’re a racist! And you want to kill Grandma.

Had enough? Me too. That’s why I’m running.

Send me to the Senate.

I’m Dr. Manny Sethi, and I approve this message.”

People may view the ad on Sethi’s campaign Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube pages or by clicking here.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Manny Sethi” by Manny Sethi.







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One Thought to “Manny Sethi Releases New Ad Entitled ‘Mobs’”

  1. lb

    GREAT GREAT GREAT AD! Both my Husband and I almost cheered when we saw it! He has OUR Vote!!
    BTW–I love Dr Manny’s Mother–she is one solid, tough, great American who is unafraid to call it like she sees it!!
    I am SO sorry our President (once again) has been misled and involved himself in a Primary Election. He MUST stop doing that!!!
    WE will pick our Candidate.
    Someone is advising PDT VERY poorly ESP in TN.
    We are SICK AND TIRED of the gopESTABLISHMENT here
    Not only that–Hagerty was a NEVER TRUMPER …
    Hopefully Dr Manny WINS–many of us are Voting for him!!
