Manny Sethi Says It’s Time to Stop Relying on China for Medicine


U.S. Republican senatorial candidate Manny Sethi, citing national security, said Tuesday that America should not depend on China for pharmaceutical products, and America should also secure its own supply chain of medicine.

The orthopedic trauma surgeon announced this in a press release.

Sethi is running to replace Tennessee’s retiring U.S. Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander.

The United States must do the following, according to Sethi:

• Require drug manufacturers to clearly label the country of origin on the bottle

• End federal dollars going to purchase Chinese-made drugs

• Allow the FDA to request more information from drug manufacturers to assess the threat of possible shortages

“Too many of the most commonly used medications in the United States are produced in China because big pharmaceutical companies care more about saving a dollar by using cheap labor than putting the safety of Americans first. American experts can’t even track the supply chain of drug components for some life-saving drugs due to lack of transparency on the part of the Chinese,” Sethi said in his press release.

“It is crazy to put our drug supply in the hands of an enemy who hates us. Make no mistake, the Chinese Communist government hates this country and wants their authoritarian regime to lead the world in the 21st century. We must transition to an American-based drug production system. We need legislation ensuring that over the next five years, we shift to a system where no federal dollars, through Medicare or any other program, are going to drugs made in China.”

As The Tennessee Star reported last month, Sethi released a plan to address the coronavirus. At the time, Sethi called the outbreak a “massive international crisis” that needs “something as bold and ambitious as a Manhattan Project-style effort to combat it.” Sethi also said Americans “must stop listening to the Wall Street elites, who are more worried about not spooking the markets and their pocketbooks than they are about protecting Americans.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Manny Sethi” by Manny Sethi.






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3 Thoughts to “Manny Sethi Says It’s Time to Stop Relying on China for Medicine”

  1. Ron Welch

    Dr Sethi is right. Globalism of the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama administrations is responsible for U.S. dependency on China for drugs and medical devices and equipment. It was done intentionally. Bill Clinton declared in a SOTU, “globalism is the central reality of our time”. That is why Barack Obama mocked Donald Trump late in the 2016 campaign saying, “those jobs aren’t coming back. What does he have, a magic wand?” Obama was a globalist like his predecessors and that policy was to keep those jobs and manufacturing out of our country! That is the reason that President Trump is loathed and despised for his pro American economic policies by the globalists and their lap dog media and politicians!
