Manny Sethi Says Trump Should Fire Dr. Anthony Fauci; Bill Hagerty Says President Can Manage His Own Staff, Chinese Communist Party Responsible for COVID-19


U.S. Senate candidate Dr. Manny Sethi on Monday called on U.S. President Donald Trump to fire Dr. Anthony Fauci, and he also blasted Facebook and Twitter for censoring information about the use of hydroxychloroquine.

This, according to a press release that Sethi sent via email.

“I’ve had about enough of this guy Fauci. If I’m President Trump, I call Dr. Fauci into the Board room and tell him, ‘You’re fired,” Sethi said.

“Instead of having a plan to protect the most vulnerable among us and allowing us to get to herd immunity, he called for total lockdown. His plan did incredible damage to our economy. Fauci failed, and now he wants us to double down on failure again by completely destroying what’s left of our economy.”

U.S. Senate candidate Bill Hagerty, Sethi’s opponent in the GOP primary election that will be held this Thursday, told The Tennessee Star in an email Monday that he does not believe Fauci has done a good job advising Trump.

“President Trump is quite capable of managing the Executive Branch, and I don’t view it as my job as a U.S. Senate Candidate to tell him how to manage his staff.  President Trump is certainly able to fire Dr. Fauci if he and his team see fit to do so. But make no mistake, this virus started in China and was allowed to spread around the world by the Communist leadership regime there. China needs to be held accountable,” Hagerty said.

“The Communist Chinese regime there committed the crime of the century with their disinformation campaign. As your Senator, I’ll continue to work with President Trump to hit China where it hurts by bringing our critical supply chains home and making Made in the USA the theme of our nation.”


Sethi, in his press release, also blasted Facebook and Twitter for freezing the accounts of doctors who advocate the use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment option for patients.

“Hydroxychloroquine is a legitimate treatment option for doctors to use with patients. It’s not a silver bullet, but at the same time, I had a friend whose life was saved because of hydroxychloroquine,” said Sethi, who is also a physician.

“So where do Twitter and Facebook get off censoring doctors for talking about Hydroxychloroquine? Where did Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey get their MDs? They need to butt out of this conversation and let doctors work.”

Meanwhile, Hagerty, in an emailed statement, said too many “Washington liberals and members of the media criticize President Trump for discussing Hydroxychloroquine.”

“Even worse, social media platforms and websites like Twitter and Google have censored President Trump, Donald Trump Jr. and a number of doctors for discussing the potential for hydroxychloroquine,” Hagerty said.

“I have long said that no social media channel should be the arbiter of what’s true and what’s not. This one-sided attack on conservatives is very dangerous and should come to an end now.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].





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5 Thoughts to “Manny Sethi Says Trump Should Fire Dr. Anthony Fauci; Bill Hagerty Says President Can Manage His Own Staff, Chinese Communist Party Responsible for COVID-19”

  1. Michelle

    I think that Bill Hagerty’s mature and measured approach shows the nature of a respectful statesman. We should all know by now that President Trump is steps ahead of everyone else in his insight and approach to what is going on around us and around the world. While I can appreciate a pep rally, we all know that exciting words don’t equate to reality. What we also know is that our president will appropriately handle all situations that present themselves, and Bill Hagerty will not undermine the president’s way of doing things for this country.

  2. Alex Otto

    Good move on Manny! To James Mackler, the presumptive Democrat nominee: YOU ARE NO DOCTOR! YOU HAVE NO SAY ON COUNTERING BACK BY PARROTING THE SAME THING THE DEMOCRATS WANT YOU TO SAY! The Democrats will kick you out because you are not their real nominee, just like they chose Philly Phil over you!

  3. Gary

    This shows how ineffective and incapable the Doctor would be if he were to win. While he is busy spouting off about what he would do if he were Trump, Hagerty is already showing that he grasps the role and responsibility of a US Senator.

    There is no doubt that Hagerty will be an effective Senator from day one. Sethi would be a lost freshman wandering the halls, asking Rand Paul how he should vote. That’s not leadership. That’s not effective. And that’t not what Tennesseans deserve.

  4. Kevin

    As I said in an earlier comment, this makes it clear how these two potential candidates will operate. One is a swamp dweller, and one is a frog gigger!

    Hagerty fails to call out the root cause of our “plan”demic. Every viral-based, flu like disease for the last 30+ years has come from China. And, YES, they need to be held accountable for, amongst other things, the way that they handled the notification of the pending pandemic. But make no mistake, it was Fausi and a whole myriad of other life long career Federal bureaucrats that foisted this “plan”demic upon us, after the entire chain of Russia/Ukraine/Mueller/Impeachment attempts failed to derail the Trump train.

    Sethi on the other hand calls it like it is! Fire Fausi! Yeah, the left will scream and they might even give him his “star” on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for his portrayal of a scientific/medical expert, but then they’ll toss him like the tool that he is.

    Drain the swamp! Trump 2020!

  5. Ralph

    Anyone who casts their vote solely on the basis of endorsements, or polls, does not deserve to vote – in fact, they are shirking their responsibility as citizens to become informed on the issues and examine the candidates from that perspective.

    This article illustrates perfectly the distinction between the two leading candidates; on the one hand you have Dr. Sethi, a practicing physician at one of the world’s leading hospitals, calling for the immediate dismissal of a career bureaucrat that is doing grave harm to our country and her people. On the other hand, you have Mr. Haggerty, a career bureaucrat, rising in a thinly veiled defense of Dr. Fraud….err, Fauci.

    It doesn’t get any more clear than that. You either cast your vote for someone who proposes to act, or you cast it for someone who wants to go along to get along, and couldn’t care less about “the little people.”
