Many ‘Transgender’ Illegal Aliens Moved from a Facility That has Been Criticized

by Eric Lendrum


Dozens of “transgender” illegal alien detainees have been transferred out of a facility in New Mexico after the facility has been criticized for its conditions, USA Today reports.

The Cibola Correctional Center, located in New Mexico, is the only facility of its kind dedicated solely to “transgender women” (meaning men who identify as women). The facility is run by a private company called CoreCivic, and is capable of housing up to 1,000 inmates.

About 27 aliens were transferred to other facilities after criticism from far-left activists, who accused the facility of not being up to the task of taking care of the aliens. Left-wing immigration lawyer Allegra Love criticized the staff at the facility for giving the detainees water, which she claimed was “medical neglect.”

45 Democratic members of Congress eventually wrote a joint letter to ICE criticizing the facility, demanding that conditions either be improved or the aliens be set free. The letter also placed the burden of accepting such illegal immigrants on the United States, falsely calling the nation “a refuge for individuals who face persecution.”

In response, an ICE spokesman said that “ICE recognizes the unique, long-term health care management needs of detainees who identify as transgender and wants to ensure transgender detainees have access to every resource available at ICE’s disposal.”

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Eric Lendrum graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he was the Secretary of the College Republicans and the founding chairman of the school’s Young Americans for Freedom chapter. He has interned for Young America’s Foundation, the Heritage Foundation, and the White House, and has worked for numerous campaigns including the 2018 re-election of Congressman Devin Nunes (CA-22).






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4 Thoughts to “Many ‘Transgender’ Illegal Aliens Moved from a Facility That has Been Criticized”

  1. Pissed Off Nashvillian

    Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.

  2. William R. Delzell

    Do we also have special institutions for trans-men (women who identify themselves as men) as we do for trans-women. Trans-people come in both genders and face similar (though simultaneously unique) issues of discrimination and treatment.

  3. William R. Delzell

    Do we also have special facilities for trans-men (women who identify themselves as men)? Trans people come in both genders and both face very similar (though simultaneously unique) issues.

  4. William R. Delzell

    One of the biggest mistakes that our country made was in allowing the privatization of our prisons. This is a job that only the government should undertake as private companies manage to escape accountability more frequently than public institutions can. At least the public can vote up or down on prison measures for public-run facilities, but have no say-so at all on privately run facilities. The private prisons are motivated far less by concerns about crime-victim safety (escapes, hostage-taking, etc.) than they are by greed. The private prisons want to keep their prisons over-crowded no matter what the cost to the tax payer, the corrections officer, or inmate. Overcrowded and understaffed prisons (which virtually all privatized prisons are) are a threat to the law-abiding. They also prevent guards from forming unions to provide decent pay and safe working conditions for corrections officers. Turn-over is far more rampant in private prisons than in public. It’s time to put Core Civic and Geo Group out of business–for good!
