Marjorie Dannenfelser Comes Out Strong for Marsha Blackburn: She’ll Fight for Life in the Senate

Marsha Blackburn, Marjorie Dannenfelser

Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser has come out strong for Rep. Marsha Blackburn in her U.S. Senate race against liberal Democrat Phil Bredesen, writing, “as Marsha runs to represent Tennessee in the United States Senate, we are reminded of the critical importance of electing pro-life leaders who will never back down from doing the right thing. We have seen exactly what she will do in tough situations, and we know she’s the right woman for the job.

Her opponent, Phil Bredesen, will not protect the right to life. While running for Congress, he said he supported federal funding for abortion if the baby had Down’s syndrome. In fact, as governor, he refused to sign legislation that would prohibit taxpayer funding of abortion. Fortunately, the Tennessee state legislature passed that bill into law without his signature, but in the Senate, there will be no such check.”

There’s more available here in her whole-hearted  endorsement of Blackburn.

Tennesseans have a clear choice in November. They can elect a liberal, who supported Hillary Clinton and her extreme pro-abortion policies, or they can elect Marsha, who has a rock solid record of fighting for life. There is just one candidate who Tennesseans can count on to stand up for their shared values and protect life.

With a pro-life president and majorities in the both the Senate and the House of Representatives, we are able to take concrete steps towards protecting the right to life for generations to come, but control of the Senate hangs in the balance with this election.

It is more imperative than ever that Tennesseans send Marsha to the Senate so that she can continue to fight for life as she always has.

Dannenfelser also called out the previous Obama administration for its inaction on Planned Parenthood atrocities and credited Blackburn for stepping up where it counted. “The Obama administration did not step up. No, they instead turned and investigated the whistleblowers. They ignored Planned Parenthood’s gruesome practices and did not seek to stop them.

We needed someone who we could trust to lead the investigation. We needed someone who wouldn’t back down from a fight. We needed someone who was steadfastly pro-life. We needed Marsha Blackburn, and she stepped up,” she wrote.






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  1. […] B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser came out strong in supporting Blackburn in her U.S. Senate race against liberal Democrat Phil Bredesen, writing, “as Marsha […]
