Mark Green Calls Out James Clyburn for Selective Harassment of Republican Governors


U.S. Rep. Mark Green (R-TN-07) sent a letter to Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis Chairman James Clyburn (D-SC-06) and called on him to rescind what Green called partisan attacks on COVID-19 response efforts in Tennessee.

This, according to a press release that Green published Wednesday on his website.

Green, in his press release, said U.S. Rep. Clyburn had also attacked Republican governors in three other states.

“I am writing to you expressing my severe concern over your letters to four states led by Republican governors, including my home state Governor Bill Lee of Tennessee. The White House Coronavirus Task Force report has 21 states listed as being ‘in the red zone.’ Yet, for some reason, only four of these states, all with Republican governors, were on the receiving end of your letter,” Green wrote.

Green went on to say that Tennessee’s leaders, “from the Governor to county health departments and school boards, have worked tirelessly to respond to this pandemic since Day One.”

“Whether or not one agrees with each decision made, the Constitution does not grant you or this Committee any right to selectively harass certain states led by governors of the opposite political party,” Green said in his letter.

“Why have you not requested the same documents from Democrat-led states with an explosion of cases, such as California, or states that have botched their response like New York? Your letters today reek of partisanship. It is wrong to capitalize on a pandemic by playing political games. I urge you to rescind your requests to these states so that they can focus on what is most important: protecting our people.”

As The Tennessee Star reported this week, Green took to the floor of the House of Representatives and said nearly 100,000 Americans would still live among us if China had warned the United States earlier about COVID-19.

And by that, Green said he meant just one week earlier would have made a difference.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].

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2 Thoughts to “Mark Green Calls Out James Clyburn for Selective Harassment of Republican Governors”

  1. Rick

    Clyburn is a democrat socialist swamp creature,

  2. Julie

    I wouldn’t even send it, if a Republican had submitted such a request that is what a Democrat would do.
