Mark Green of Tennessee Goes on Offense Against Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


U.S. Republican Congressman Mark Green, representing Tennessee’s Seventh Congressional District, has gone on offense against New York Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

This, according to, which reported Green went on offense because Ocasio-Cortez said Republican lawmakers approve of U.S. Republican President Donald Trump’s tweets telling various Democratic congresswomen to go back to their home countries and fix them.

Green reportedly said there was “no choice but to assume” that Democratic lawmakers “condone” the recent attack on an Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility.

“Green responded to her post on Thursday, publishing a copycat tweet that turned the tables on the New York Democrat by saying there was ‘no choice but to assume that Ocasio-Cortez ‘condones’ the attack on an ICE migrant holding facility in Washington state over the weekend,” reported.

An armed individual recently attacked a Washington detention facility.

“Until [Ocasio-Cortez] denounces this attack (which should be easy!), we sadly have no choice but to assume she condones it,” Green wrote.

“It is extremely disturbing that the *entire* Dem caucus is silent. Is this their agenda?”

This is not the first time in recent weeks Green has gone after Democrats.

As The Tennessee Star reported earlier this month, during a recent hearing on Obamacare, Green described how his experiences in an emergency room turned him against socialized medicine.

“Socialized medicine does not work. It does not provide better care. Study after study has shown Medicaid patients have equal outcomes to patients without insurance at all. Those are the real numbers. The ACA is not socialized medicine. What it does is it takes money from taxpayers at increased rates for small businesses,” Green said.

Green went on to say Obamacare has raised rates.

“You see, either by intention or accident, the ACA creates pressures on the health care system that are crashing the very system that the witnesses today were praising. The ACA is driving the cost shifting to a point that small businesses can’t afford it and more people are shifted to government systems as this dynamic pushes people onto the government care, Medicare, Medicaid, all of that. We move to more and more socialized medicine. At some point, the shifts cause the system to crash.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].




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One Thought to “Mark Green of Tennessee Goes on Offense Against Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez”

  1. Steve Allen

    The “Squad” is the vanguard of the 21st century socialist drive to destroy the freedoms granted in the Constitution. Socialism is a plague on personal freedom, and must be opposed at all costs.
