Marsha Blackburn Introduces Legislation to Defund Businesses Linked to the Chinese Military


U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) has introduced legislation to prohibit U.S. pension investments in Chinese companies.

This, according to a press release that Blackburn’s staff emailed this week.

“There is no line between the Chinese Communist Party and Chinese businesses. Companies like Huawei prop up and assist the regime in their genocide of the Muslims Uyghurs, Inner Mongolians, Tibetans, and other religious and ethnic minorities,” Blackburn said in the press release.

“American dollars should not be used to violate human rights.”

The Defending Pensions from the Chinese Communist Threat Act would require a specific rule as it pertains to China. Under this legislation, the Secretary of Labor would prohibit the Employee Retirement Income Security Act-covered pension plans from investing in any persons or entities on the list of Communist Chinese Military Companies.

This, according to Blackburn’s press release.

“Chinese companies can be required, under penalty of law, to share technology with the Chinese military. In turn, some of these companies produce technologies for the repression of human rights, as is the case with Uyghurs in Xinjiang, China,” the press release said.

“Because of the inclusion of these companies in publicly traded index funds, this threat affects over $10.7 trillion invested in private American pension plans, covered by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act.”

As The Tennessee Star reported in August, Blackburn said the United States has a way to hold China accountable for unleashing COVID-19 upon the world.

Blackburn said this during a tele-town hall with then-U.S. Senate candidate Bill Hagerty. Hagerty is now Tennessee’s senator-elect.

During the call, Blackburn said she has talked with the White House and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin about China holding more than $1 trillion of U.S. debt.

“I think that negotiating that payment, maybe waiving that payment, is something that we have to put on the table. The Wuhan virus has cost us now over $6 trillion. In the state of Tennessee for every one person that contracted the virus we have 33 Tennesseans that have been adversely impacted economically and financially by being furloughed or losing their job or having to take a reduced wage,” Blackburn said at the time.

“At this point, what we need to say to China is ‘Look. You took our jobs. They went to China. You sent us a virus, and we’re going to hold you accountable for this.’ That debt is a great way to do it, to hit them in the pocketbook, if you will,  and to hold them to account.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].




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7 Thoughts to “Marsha Blackburn Introduces Legislation to Defund Businesses Linked to the Chinese Military”

  1. nicky wicks

    Beijing Biden will just undo anything they attempt to do

    the ‘Big Guy’ needs his cut

  2. William Delzell

    How about defunding businesses linked to any country’s military, including our own? Now, that’s something I could go along with!

  3. Roger

    I have a better chance of rolling out of bed and stepping directly into the Lost Dutchman Mine than the chances of doing anything under the demoricats to upset the military complex. Troop withdrawals, what troops, any talk about troop numbers is nothing but a conservative lie according to the demoricats.

  4. Julie

    I applaud Senator Blackburn for taking on China, it is clear that she is not in bed with them. However, at the end of the day it won’t matter if we keep printing trillions of dollars without addressing our debt/inflation. Inflation will make your dollars worth less (think Venezuela where everyone is a millionaire but no one can afford a carton of eggs). China wants to replace the dollar with the yuan and the Democrats are more than happy to bankrupt the U.S. We are amoral and need to taken down a peg or two. And for the globalist vision to succeed America cannot be wealthy, we have to be equal to the rest of the countries of the world.
    Also, Senator Blackburn is on the U.S. Committee of Armed Services who worked on the National Defense Authorization Act that recently passed and that she bragged about voting for on her Twitter feed. However, it left out ending Section 230 protections for social media but added provisions to block President Trump’s planned troop withdrawal from Afghanistan and Germany without Congressional approval. The swampy elites that are profiting from overseas wars don’t want them to end. However, the talking points will be about the benefits such as the pay raises included for military personnel.

    1. Diana Barahona

      Julie should run for the Senate. Blackburn is clearly confused and can’t form a coherent set of ideas or position. She cites “human rights” concerns, but what the Chinese government does to Chinese citizens is not our problem. Our problem is that U.S. has hundreds of elected and appointed officials, media monopolies and university heads who have betrayed the interests of the people of the US to the global ruling class in exchange for money from China.

      Her statement about the virus is another case in which she shifts blame from our government officials to China. The virus only devastated the U.S. because our media, universities and officials have spread fear and lies, exaggerating the severity of the virus and how easily it is transmitted, and imposing dictatorial measures that have nothing to do with public health. These measures have eroded civil liberties including freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and freedom of the exercise of religion. They have devastated public health, small businesses and the economy in general. Again, we need to own up to what our own global ruling class has done to us because that is our real problem.

  5. RLABruce

    Include all federal-funded colleges and universities, too–especially the poison ivy-league schools.

  6. David Blackwell

    That won’t be good for Biden Business now will it?
