Marsha Blackburn Says Voters Sent Her To DC To Secure The Border

by Nick Givas


Republican Sen.-elect Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee said voters sent her to Washington to help secure the U.S. southern border, on “America’s Newsroom” Wednesday.

“Let me tell you something. There is an acronym for the word team. My mom used it with me growing up. Together everyone achieves more. And what Tennesseans are looking at is a president who has delivered on turning the economy around, promise kept,” Blackburn said on Fox News.

“He has delivered on moving the embassy to Jerusalem and he has delivered when it comes to working, defeating ISIS, dealing with China, dealing with trade, getting us back on the road to economic prosperity and Tennesseans want to see more of that action,” she continued. “And I’ll tell you something else they want to see is that border secured.”

Blackburn said she has spoken to various constituents and is planning to focus on polices that help maintain America’s sovereignty while promoting faith and family.

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“I say as an elected official and as someone Tennesseans have sent to Washington, D.C., to represent them, they are saying look, Marsha, do everything that you possibly can do to help keep this nation free and to keep it prosperous,” she said. “And that is what they want to see me focus on. And that is what I am going to be focusing on. We need to make certain that everything we do — I call it the big five, Sandra, faith, family, freedom, hope and opportunity. And every day my focus is on how do you defend and protect faith, family, freedom, hope and opportunity.”

She also said voters want to see a border wall and believe American citizenship must be earned, not given.

“I was in the produce aisle at the grocery store and a constituent, this guy came past me — he said Marsha I am a veteran. I am an independent voter. Build the wall. Our citizenship is not for the taking. It is for the earning,” Blackburn said. “And there are so many Tennesseans … that feel that same way. That this is precious and they want to make certain that our sovereignty is preserved, that our country is secure, that we’re dealing with the drug traffickers and sex traffickers and the gangs that are trying to come across that border and they are saying secure it.”

“Let’s secure our government. Let’s secure our border. Let’s get this job done,” she said.

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Nick Givas is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation. Follow Nick on Twitter.
Photo “Marsha Blackburn” by Fox News. 











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One Thought to “Marsha Blackburn Says Voters Sent Her To DC To Secure The Border”

  1. 83ragtop50

    Not just to “secure the border” but to build a secure border wall. I am tired of hearing the argument that technology can solve this very serious problem. That just cannot happen unless the government plans to use armed drones to enforce the border. Note: I am not advocating armed drones!!
