Marsha Blackburn Welcomes President Trump’s Help in Her Bid to Replace Trump Antagonist Senator Bob Corker

During Representative Marsha Blackburn’s (R-TN-07) appearance Thursday on CNN’s “The Lead,” she seemed to surprise guest host Dana Bash with the suggestion that President Trump would be a welcome addition to the campaign trail in Tennessee as she seeks to replace the retiring junior Senator Bob Corker.

As The Tennessee Star has reported extensively, before and especially after making the announcement he would not be seeking re-election, Bob Corker has repeatedly attacked President Trump in the media, calling into question the freshman executive’s mental state, negotiating skills, integrity, motivations, and more.

Blackburn’s apparent open invitation to the President is a marked contrast to Corker – but no surprise, considering voters chose Mr. Trump over Hillary Clinton by more than 60 percent.

Guest host Dana Bash asked Blackburn, “You’re in a big race down there in Tennessee. Do you want President Trump to come and campaign with you?”

Blackburn answered, “What I want to do is spend my time working with the voters of this state, and that’s my focus,” Blackburn answered. “You know, President Trump is very popular in Tennessee. And people are so encouraged by the work that he has done in passing tax reform, Gorsuch to the Supreme Court–”

Interrupting with crosstalk, Bash pressed, “Would it help you if he came and campaigned with you or hurt you?”

Blackburn answered, “It probably would. It would probably be very helpful if he were to come.”

“We’re going to keep our focus on doing our job,” she continued.  “That is what we do best, is tend to the work that is right in front of us, doing a great job, of the work that we have on our plate, making certain that we are working hard through this next year, and asking for the opportunity to earn every single vote that we can possibly earn.

Watch the exchange:

According to a Tennessee Star / Triton poll released over Christmas, Backburn is far ahead of her fellow Republican rivals in terms of earning the nomination in August:

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) has a huge 58 percent to 11 percent lead over former Rep. Stephen Fincher (R-TN-08) in the Republican primary for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by retiring Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN), according to a new Tennessee Star Poll.




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2 Thoughts to “Marsha Blackburn Welcomes President Trump’s Help in Her Bid to Replace Trump Antagonist Senator Bob Corker”

  1. Jim Forsythe

    Marsha will be a great senator, unlike RINO Corker! Go Marsha Go!

  2. Great job! Thanks for sharing this information!
