Massive Trump Caravans Take Over Where the Boat Parades Left off

by Debra Heine


As boat season winds down with fewer pro-Trump boat parades scheduled, patriotic Americans throughout the nation are increasingly participating in car and truck caravans to show their support for President Donald Trump.

Now, more than ever, Republican voters are hitting the streets to support the president in the wake of his recent coronavirus diagnosis.

A caravan of the president’s supporters circled Walter Reed Hospital in Washington DC, on Sunday, as a large crowd stood vigil outside the hospital.

Trump briefly left the hospital Sunday evening to wave to the supporters gathered outside, to the delight of the supporters and great distress of the corporate media.

Hundreds of flag-waving Trump supporters also lined up outside Trump Tower in New York City early Sunday, to show their love for the president.

These pro-Trump caravans have been going on for months, but have amped up in recent weeks. Unfortunately, as the pro-Trump events have increased, so have violent, left-wing counter-demonstrations, especially in Democrat strongholds.

On September 26, for instance, up to 7,000 MAGA flag-waving motorists paraded through downtown Kansas City in a show of support for the president.

The caravan started at the National WWI Museum and Memorial and ended up at the Plaza, where the Trump supporters were met by a  gaggle of protesters, 41 Action News reported.

“I was there- the people that came out to protest the parade were shouting some of the meanest, rudest, most hate filled things you can imagine. It has got to be the most middle fingers I’ve ever seen in one afternoon. It was really sad to see so much hate. They were even yelling at kids,” one participant noted in the YouTube comments. “The differences between the two sides couldn’t have been clearer!”

Almost as if to underscore that point, a Kansas City-based “black rights activist” and his videographer came to the pro-Trump rally, expecting to be verbally assaulted with racial epithets. Instead, as he noted in the video below, he was met with nothing but love and handshakes.

“I’m not voting for Trump,” the activist, known as “Mugzy Bulljunk,” told a couple of Trump supporters through the open window of their vehicle toward the end of his caravan walk-through.

“That’s okay!” the woman behind the wheel smiled.

Bulljunk noted that it was all “love and no hate” at the Trump rally, and asked the woman how that could be, as it was not at all what he expected.

“Because we have to learn to get along,” the Trump supporter answered. “No matter what our views are. I love you, I love everybody,” the woman added. “We’re in America, the land of the free.”

An impressive Trump truck convoy in Michigan last month received no media attention outside of Facebook.

On September 12, a massive pro-Trump caravan spanned the entire I-275 loop in Cincinnati, approx 85 miles around the city & thru Northern KY.

In Los Angeles last month, a huge Trump caravan paraded down Ventura Blvd.

Over 1,500 vehicles took to the streets of Long Island last month in another huge show of support for the president.

Trump supporters at The Villages in Florida, held a massive golf cart parade honoring Trump. Approximately 750 golf carts and nearly 1500 people attended the parade which stretched nearly 2 miles the carts made their way though the parade route.

An impressive Trump truck convoy in Michigan last month received no media attention outside of Facebook.

On September 12, a massive pro-Trump caravan spanned the entire I-275 loop in Cincinnati, approx 85 miles around the city & thru Northern KY.

In Los Angeles last month, a huge Trump caravan paraded down Ventura Blvd.

Over 1,500 vehicles took to the streets of Long Island last month in another huge show of support for the president.

Trump supporters at The Villages in Florida, held a massive golf cart parade honoring Trump. Approximately 750 golf carts and nearly 1500 people attended the parade which stretched nearly 2 miles the carts made their way though the parade route.

A Trump caravan in Ozark, Missouri, on Sept. 26 brought out hundreds of Trump supporters.

Trump supporters in New Mexico also came out for Trump on Sept. 26.

Trump supporters decked out their cars with flags and banners on Saturday and hit the road as part of a nationwide caravan.

Vietnamese-American Trump supporters came out for the president in Orange County, Calif.

“We love Trump! Trump number one!” a Vietnamese woman shouted from her car. “Nobody like him, okay?!”

A Trump caravan in southwestern Missouri over the weekend brought out 140 vehicles.

In heavily Democrat areas, of course, the Trump caravans have run into issues with profanity-spewing, violent and disruptive “counter-protesters.”

Despite the threat of violence from the left, Trump caravans from New York to California are scheduled to take place every weekend until the election.

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Debra Heine reports for American Greatness.
Photo “Trump Caravan” by Anthony Crider CC BY 2.0.











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2 Thoughts to “Massive Trump Caravans Take Over Where the Boat Parades Left off”

  1. Chuck Allen

    Awesome. Where is the News Media in America???


    1. MAGA

      Incessant reporting on Trump-made natural disasters.
