Matt Boyle: Democrats Thinking ‘Long Term’ Behind the Scenes as 2024 Presidential Odds Are Unattainable

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

Matt Boyle, the national political editor at Breitbart News, said Democratic Party leaders are currently thinking about which decisions should be made this election cycle to cause “less damage” for Democrats in the “long run” amid President Joe Biden’s seemingly diminished reelection chances.

Last Thursday, during a 90-minute televised debate hosted by CNN, Biden appeared absent-minded and confused, stumbling over his words and losing his train of thought multiple times.

The national news cycle has since been dominated by pundits and Democratic leaders questioning Biden’s abilities to finish out his term as president and another four-year term amid his apparent decline.

While a handful of Democrats have openly called on Biden to step aside from the race, the president insists he will be the 2024 Democratic presidential nominee.

Boyle said while he has been back and forth with wondering if Biden will be replaced on the presidential ticket this election, he said he believes Democrats, either way, are thinking “long term” as the party’s chances of winning the election seem to be gone.

“Kamala is the only option other than Joe. So the calculation that Democrats are making is which one affects them less in the down ticket races. Both their chances at retaking the U.S. House majority from the slim GOP majority that exists there right now, and which one would lead to them losing less Senate races. They’re going to lose the Senate majority, given the way the map works right now…I don’t think at this point that Democrats are thinking they’re going to hold the White House. At this point, they are operating under the assumption that Donald Trump is going to win the election,” Boyle said on Friday’s edition of The Michael Patrick Leahy Show.

“It’s going to be either Joe Biden or Kamala Harris when November rolls around. The question is which one of the two of them leads to less damage to the Democrat Party long term. That’s the very crude calculation Democrats are making right now behind the scenes,” Boyle added.

Furthermore, Boyle noted how this election for the Democrats has the potential to set the scene for the 2028 election.

“If Joe loses handily to Trump and he takes Kamala down with him, whereas if they switch to Kamala and Kamala still loses but puts up a respectable number, then Kamala is the leading candidate for 2028. Much like how Trump was the leading candidate for the Republicans going into 2024 after the 2020 election,” Boyle explained.

Boyle compared the state of the Democratic Party to the popular television show Game of Thrones, saying, “It’s all about power.”

“It’s like Game of Thrones inside the Democratic Party right now. Everybody’s splitting throats and they’re killing each other. There’s red weddings and all sorts of stuff going on. And it’s all about power. It’s all about control,” Boyle said.

“Again, it’s all about themselves. They’re extremely selfish people. They don’t even care about the country because, look, we clearly have a brain dead fool, a doddering old fool running the country right now and nobody seems to care. It’s all about the political effect of this decision,” Boyle added.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.




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