Matt Boyle: ‘The Energy is Very Much on Trump’s Side’ Heading into General Election

Trump Dance

Matt Boyle, the national political editor at Breitbart News, said former President Donald Trump is heading into the November 5 general election with more energy on his side compared to Vice President Kamala Harris.

Boyle pointed to the Yahoo/YouGov national poll published Monday morning showing Trump and Harris tied at 47 percent, noting how the same poll had Harris up four percent approximately one week ago.

“That means that the momentum is moving hard in Trump’s direction,” Boyle explained on Monday’s edition of The Michael Patrick Leahy Show.

“Trump leads in almost all of the battleground states, if not all of them,” Boyle added.

Boyle said the energy behind Trump comes at a time when the Biden-Harris administration is being criticized for its response to victims of Hurricane Helene, saying that the administration’s “lackluster” response in states like North Carolina is a political move to keep Trump voters from making it to the polls.

RealClearPolitics’ 2024 RCP Electoral College Map lists North Carolina, which has 16 electoral votes, as a toss up state for this year’s presidential election.

“I do think that there’s a political motivation behind the current administration’s very slow and lackluster response,” Boyle explained. “Some of the Democratic strategists like David Axelrod have said the quiet part out loud where they literally say that they think that Trump people might not come out.”

Noting how he believes Harris is in charge of the administration, Boyle went on to point out the stark difference between the responses to natural disasters headed the Trump administration compared to the current administration.

“[Democrats] are willing to hurt people and let people feel the pain and not give them the full proper response for political reasons. If these hit a Democrat-controlled area, they’d be Johnny-on-the-spot in terms of responding to it,” Boyle said.

“This is why you need to have a president who cares about all Americans. You may disagree with Donald Trump on some things, that’s fine, but the fact is that he never let Americans suffer at the hands of a natural disaster like Kamala Harris is doing right now in North Carolina and other parts throughout the Southeast,” Boyle added.

Despite the apparent politically motivated attempt to keep Republican voters away from the polls, Boyle said he believes voters will find a way to make it to the ballot box to vote for Trump.

“I think the Trump people are coming. They are coming out the hills, the haulers, anywhere they possibly can to make sure that they vote for Donald Trump because they know that we’ve got one shot left to save this country, and that is on November 5,” Boyle said.

Watch the full interview:

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.
Photo “Trump Dance” by TeamTrump.



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