Mayors of 44 Tennessee Counties Where President Trump Won Overwhelmingly Have Endorsed ‘Never-Trumper’ Randy Boyd for Governor

Tennessee Star


Since launching earlier this year, Randy Boyd’s gubernatorial campaign has sent out numerous press releases announcing the names of county mayors who are supporting him for governor.  To date, 45 county mayors across Tennessee have endorsed Boyd. The state has 95 counties.

In 44 of these 45 counties where Boyd has claimed the mayor’s support, President Trump won the vote overwhelmingly over Hillary Clinton in the November 2016 general election – with anywhere from 56.4 percent to 84.9 percent of the vote. (Shelby County is the lone exception)

Here is the list of the 44 counties won convincingly by President Trump whose county mayors have pledged support to Boyd for Governor:

Anderson, Bledsoe, Blount, Bradley, Carroll, Claiborne, Cocke, Decatur, Dyer, Fayette, Fentress, Franklin, Gibson, Greene, Hamblen, Hancock, Henry, Hickman, Humphreys, Jefferson, Johnson, Lake, Lawrence, Lewis, Lincoln, Loudon, Marshall, Monroe, Montgomery, Moore, Morgan, Obion, Overton, Pickett, Rhea, Roane, Scott, Sequatchie, Sevier, Unicoi, Union, Washington, Weakley, White.

By supporting Boyd for governor, these county mayor are going against the voters on a key issue that put Trump in the White House, namely, illegal immigration.

Boyd, who says he “aspire[s] to be like” failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney, aligned himself with “never-Trump” Romney who called Trump a “fraud” and a “phony.” During Romney’s “E2” 2016 retreat which included establishment Republican attendees like Speaker Paul Ryan, Senator John McCain (R-AZ)  and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Boyd rejected outright doing anything to support Trump’s campaign:

“The idea of putting my name on anything is anathema to me.”

McCain and Graham, who continue to try to undermine President Trump, were among the chief sponsors of the 2013 “Gang of Eight” comprehensive immigration reform bill that provided a path to citizenship for illegal aliens in the U.S. Paul Ryan supports what he calls “earned legalization” for people who enter the country by violating U.S. immigration laws.

Not only was Boyd committed to the “never-Trump” movement, he had also joined as a named member, the Partnership for a New American Economy which formed to push the 2013 immigration reform bill. The organization renamed itself “New American Economy” and is now working against the pro-American worker “RAISE Act” which Trump supports. They are also pushing for Congress to pass a DREAM Act to benefit certain illegal aliens.

So committed to working to defeat Trump, Boyd embraced Jeb Bush, serving as a Bush delegate-at-large in the primary. Bush supported an amnesty plan for illegal immigrants, saying that even though the law is being violated, “[i]t’s an act of love. It’s an act of commitment to your family.” Bush is now trying to rally establishment Republicans to attack President Trump on the fictional Russia issue.

Governor Haslam was the only elected official in Tennessee to openly reject Trump before the election even though he was the duly nominated GOP presidential candidate.

Haslam brought Boyd into his administration to serve as Commissioner of Economic & Community Development, a convenient way to travel the state, get some press and name recognition and perhaps most importantly, dispense public funds to county mayors.

Boyd served as Commissioner for two years, leaving this position in January 2017 before announcing his campaign for governor in March 2017. Just months prior to his departure, Haslam and Boyd announced approving $27 million in Community Development Block Grants spread over sixty-nine Tennessee communities, $750,000 to nine communities for Commercial Facade Improvement Grants, and in the same month in which he announced his departure from ECD, $990,000 in Tourism Enhancement Grants to twenty-nine communities.




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5 Thoughts to “Mayors of 44 Tennessee Counties Where President Trump Won Overwhelmingly Have Endorsed ‘Never-Trumper’ Randy Boyd for Governor”

  1. Bob Miles

    Many of these mayors are up for re-election in 2018. When you go to the voting booth, remember that they endorsed a candidate for governor that supports illegal aliens and sanctuary cities.

  2. Wolf Woman

    La Raza Randy “buys” favors? I’m shocked. Not! He’s a rich establishment rhino whose greatest concern is power, now that he has enough money to afford to campaign for governor.

    What disgusts me is how quickly La Raza Randy and his types become traitors to the residents of their states and side with immigrants and illegal aliens to keep labor prices way down in order to increase their profits. And do we the people see the fruits of this economic corporate game? No, we foot the bill for the social services needed to keep this leaky labor boat afloat.

    The joke will be on us if La Raza Randy is elected governor of Tennessee.

  3. Zorka

    Things you need to know about Randy Boyd

    In 2016 Randy Boyd gifted $250,000 to Conexion Americas described as the single largest gift in the organization’s 14 year history. The money was intended to help expand the community kitchen called Mesa Kamal being used by entrepreneur food vendors. The kitchen is housed in Conexion’s building called Casa Azafran.

    Casa Azafran also houses Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC), American Center for Outreach (an Islamic advocacy group), American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC), Justice for Our Neighbors

    Conexion and TIRRC are named affiliates of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR)

    George Soros has funded both NCLR and TIRRC

    Renata Soto served as vice-president of NCLR for three years

    2015 – Renata Soto elected as president of board of NCLR

    2016 – Randy Boyd started an organization called “Complete Tennessee”. Renata Soto serves on the board of that organization.

    Randy Boyd is a named member of New American Economy (formerly known as the Partnership for a New American Economy). The New American Economy is dedicated to “modernizing the immigration system” and has been described as the most powerful and well-funded immigration lobbying firm in the U.S. It is a coalition of business leaders and mayors, launched by Michael Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch.

    The Boyd campaign has retained Taylor Ferrell as a fundraiser. Ms. Ferrell is best remembered as being involved in the highly controversial activity within the TN GOP party that resulted in the resignation of the TN GOP chair.

    Former Tennessee Republican Party chairman Chip Saltsman is campaign CEO for Boyd. Saltsman has a long history of involvement with establishment Republications.

    Boyd’s gubernatorial campaign team includes Alice Rolli, formerly employed by ECD and former Tennessee campaign manager for Lamar Alexander. Rolli got caught by News Channel 5 investigative report trying to work with the TN State Museum to have a Lamar traveling exhibit open in Knoxville with a live appearance by Lamar even though he had already announced a re-election campaign

    In 2009, Boyd served as an unpaid special adviser to Haslam on higher education issues

    In 2009, Boyd helped create the tnAchieves program in Knoxville upon which Haslam eventually based the Tennessee Promise program

    Boyd served as an at-large delegate for Jeb Bush during the Presidential campaign.

    Boyd served in Governor Bill Haslam’s cabinet as the state Commissioner of Economic and Community Development.

    Randy Boyd was a Board member of a lobbyist group of businesses (Tennesseans for Economic Growth) which had as one of its goals to destroy the separation of powers between the judicial branch and the legislative branch by denying citizens the constitutionally protected right to have courts (and juries) determine all the facts in an injury case. The strategy of the TEG was to support Governor Bill Haslam’s tort reform legislation. Bill Lee was President of the TEG.

  4. Sim

    It isn’t just the “left” that is “wandering in darkness”, much if not most, of the “Right” are blinded too.

    With America’s large “over the hill” population, you’d think in all those years they would have learned how to recognize the way politics and politicians work against them,

    Paying people to vote for you with the same tax dollars you took from them, is the first rule in the game of Politics.

    But neither age or Education can make people understand that the people they have elected for the past 30 years is the same reason they now want “Term limits”.

    Remind me of the description of a “Saleman”.
    “A person who keeps knowing more and more about less and less until he knows practically nothing about everything”.

    Common sense is about as common in today’s world as chicken teeth, I had hoped that Trump’s election was a sign people were wising up to the way the game of politics was played, but that “love of money” is a hard blindfold to see through.

  5. Jim Forsythe

    What idiots!
