McCarthy Says He Wants Cheney to Remain in House GOP Leadership Following Impeachment Vote

by Andrew Trunsky



House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said that he wants Republican Conference Chair Liz Cheney to remain in GOP leadership following her vote to impeach former President Donald Trump.

Though he backed Cheney, the No. 3 House Republican, he added there were still “questions that needed to be answered” regarding the “style in which things were delivered,” and that the topic would be discussed when the GOP conference meets next week.

“We can have differences of opinion, but I do believe we’re going to have a conference next week to air the differences, unite individuals and move forward, to work for all Americans,” he said on Thursday.

Cheney, who has been more critical of Trump than other GOP lawmakers, was one of 10 Republicans who voted to impeach him last Wednesday on charges that he incited his supporters to attack the Capitol on Jan. 6.

“The President of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of attack,” Cheney said in a statement before her vote. “There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution.”

Following Trump’s impeachment, several House Republicans called for Cheney to be stripped of her leadership role, criticizing her willingness to break from the former president.

Wyoming state Sen. Anthony Bouchard also announced on Wednesday that he would wage a primary challenge Cheney over her vote to impeach, calling her “out of touch” with the voters in her home state. He likely faces a steep uphill battle, given Cheney’s esteemed status in Wyoming and the fact that she was reelected in November by 44 points.

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Andrew Trunsky is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.









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7 Thoughts to “McCarthy Says He Wants Cheney to Remain in House GOP Leadership Following Impeachment Vote”

  1. PaulJ

    McCarthy is a Paul Ryan protege. They were joined at the hip when Ryan was speaker and they are of the same cloth. That Republicans would be fighting for McCarthy to be Speaker of the House is not a promising proposition. Yes, of course, it will be glorious to get rid of Speaker Pelosi, but to replace her with Speaker McCarthy is like winning the lottery and then finding out your prize is $1. McCarthy (and Ryan) is/were funded by the late Sheldon Adelson. Thus, the only priorities they stand and fight for are corporate tax cuts and Israel. Everything else are campaign talking points for the rubes they think we are.

  2. gordon

    mccarthy is apparently a swamp creature like moscow mitch.

  3. Karen

    To the TN GOP house delegation, Please ask for a vote to remove McCarthey as the leader! He is no better than Mitch McConnell! If you don’t remove McCarthey and Cheney from leadership the GOP will not win anything for a long time! The failure to remove will assist in starting a new Patriot party!! Remove Cheney, McCarthey, Kustoff, McConnell, Hagerty and Blackburn!!!! Tennesseans support Trump and the America first agenda!! What is this crap vote your conscience? You were sent to Washington to support Tennesseans wishes, and not to be a self serving individual to only personally enrich yourself!

  4. Kevin

    Of course he does, the Cheney’s probably got a boat-load of dirt on the Minority Leader. This is how the whole game is played!

    It’s up to us lowly citizen to clean out the swamp! Vote them out!

  5. Trevor

    Kevin McCarthey and Liz Cheney should both resign from leadership! McCarthey is why Trump supporters will not support the republican party! McCarthey is like Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty, they used Trump to get elected and now we hear nothing from them while the America First policy is under attack! Primary all the RINOs! At least the TN GOP house members continue to support the America first policy with the exception of Memphis RINO David Kustoff! Kustoff will be primaried! Did I mention his law firm partner was Memphis socialist Mayor Jim Stricklen! Why do we keep electing these RINO’s that go to Washington and turn their back on Tennesseans!! Hagerty and Blackburn support RINO Mitch McConnell over Tennesseans

    1. Deplorable Bay Stater

      Be careful what you wish for…you could end up with Reps/Senators far worse than these.

      1. PaulJ

        You couldn’t do worse than Liz Cheney unless the only thing you care about is wars for Israel. Any other Republican, especially a Wyoming Republican would be as socially and economically conservative as they come. The only “risk” is one that doesn’t believe that our national security priority is Israel-First.
        I look forward to the day that MGAG’s ponder the JQ.
