Memphis-Area College to Mandate COVID Vaccine, Bans Unvaccinated Individuals from Returning to Campus


Christian Brothers University (CBU) in Memphis announced on Monday that students or employees who opt to not receive the coronavirus vaccine will not be allowed on campus.

The school’s announcement detailed that students and employees must submit documentation of vaccination by August 2. However, some exemptions will be allowed for medical reasons or “sincerely-held” religious beliefs.

The statement released by the university noted, “COVID vaccinations are now required for all persons who live, learn, and work on the Christian Brothers University campus. This requirement applies to all of the following, unless an exemption or reasonable accommodation is approved: Students living on campus, Students attending classes on campus, Student athletes, Faculty teaching classes on campus, Staff working on campus.”

CBU also outlined several measures meant to enforce their decision.

“Students not in compliance with this policy will not be allowed to live on campus, attend classes on campus, or participate in intercollegiate athletics. Employees not in compliance with this policy will not be allowed to return to campus and will be placed on unpaid leave until their employee status is determined by the Human Resources Department,” the school said.

Christian Brothers University joins two other Tennessee institutions — Maryville College and Vanderbilt University — in mandating the vaccine.

Many colleges and universities across the country have moved to make the vaccine mandatory. Opponents argue that many students will receive the coronavirus vaccine without a mandate in place. Further, studies demonstrate that the risk of transmitting COVID-19 during in-person learning is low.

This has led elected officials to take action to stop the various forms of mandates.

In Arizona, Governor Doug Ducey issued an executive order that will prevent the state’s public colleges and universities from mandating the COVID-19 vaccine for its students

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Christian Brothers University Vaccination Center” by Christian Brothers University.





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12 Thoughts to “Memphis-Area College to Mandate COVID Vaccine, Bans Unvaccinated Individuals from Returning to Campus”

  1. George of the Phd Jungle

    Does the school receive ANY federal funding? Student loans, research grants, etc., etc.? If so, they are violating federal law (US COde) if they continue with their medically-prove-wrong and otherwise asinine tactics.
    Oh! Are there any public spaces within the campus boundaries? Streets and the like?
    Using Supreme Court approved language, I say fuck the school administration.

  2. Noneya

    It seems Tennessee has been taken over by medical tyrants who are violating the Nuremberg Code.
    However, they are doing these students a favor as the vaxed are shedding dangerous spike proteins. Stay away from the vaccinated.

  3. Ron W

    I still remember when college and university campuses were bastions of liberalism where freedom to speak and act were highly valued, but now, they are arenas of authoritarian lockdowns and mandates. What the???

    “Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.” — John F. Kennedy

  4. 83ragtop50

    In interest f one’s health I would strongly recommend that no one even enter the confines of Memphis. I understand lethal doses of lead happen there frequently. In fact, Tennessee would be better off if Memphis were totally quarantined.

  5. LM

    Funding from the far left to idiots running the schools. The elitist left is pouring money into states and universities to gain control of society. They know their minions are stupid and greedy enough to go along. Hopefully there are enough of us left to say “nope” to the jab and to their control grab agendas.

  6. M. Flatt

    It seems to me a number of students should be looking to transfer their credits to another school and a few employees need to consider other employment options.
    Do we not have cases already in the courts regarding those who refuse to vaccinate being fired?

  7. Ms Independent

    I smell lawsuits.

    1. nicky wicks

      yes if i was forced to get the jab and had issues the first thing id do is hire the meanest lawyer around and sue the school

  8. Nothing very Christian nor brotherly about this school.

  9. SadButTrue

    then they take upon themselves full liability for the consequences. someone dies due to the jab? CBU owes. disabled due to effects? CBU owes.

  10. David Blackwell RN, BSN, CCM

    What about hepatitis B and herpes? Can I get on campus if I have full-blown herpes?

    1. Horatio Bunce

      ETSU already forces HEP-B vaccine for students living on campus.
