Memphis BLM Founder Pamela Moses Sentenced to Prison for Illegally Registering to Vote

Pamela Moses


Pamela Moses, the founder of the Memphis Black Lives Matter (BLM) chapter, was sentenced to spend six years and one day in prison after illegally registering to vote in Tennessee.

According to the Shelby County District Attorney’s office, Moses had previously been convicted on 16 criminal charges.

During those charges, she pled guilty to felony counts of tampering with evidence and forgery and two misdemeanor counts of perjury, stalking, theft under $500, and escape.

Because of the felony convictions, Moses lost her right to vote in the state. However, she claimed that she believed she had the right to vote again despite her convictions because the county election commission and corrections department signed off on her application to register to vote. However, the documents should not have been signed off on.

“Moses filed a certificate of restoration and application for voter registration with the Shelby County Election Commission, falsely asserting that her sentence had expired and that she was eligible to register to vote. However, Moses was still serving her 2015 sentence on probation at the time she filed the restoration documents,” the District Attorney’s office explained.

“You tricked the probation department into giving you documents saying you were off probation,” Criminal Court Judge W. Mark Ward said in court, accusing Moses of misleading the officials.

Critics of the ruling and penalty argue that Moses received a harsh sentence due to her race.

“Pamela Moses, a Black woman, has been sentenced to six years in prison because of a voting error. Meanwhile, white individuals who are known to have committed blatant voter fraud have only received probation. There are two criminal justice systems in America,” tweeted the NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund.

Bede Anyanwu, an attorney for Moses, told The Washington Post, that she plans on appealing the sentence.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network.  Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Pamela Moses” by Shelby County Sheriff’s Office.

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7 Thoughts to “Memphis BLM Founder Pamela Moses Sentenced to Prison for Illegally Registering to Vote”

  1. rick

    BLM has really helped Memphis, fine lady I am sure it was racism that caused all of her problems and the NAACP made Memphis the chocolate city it is today, low crime, clean city and high property values – even the minorities are leaving if the can get out.

  2. 83ragtop50

    First time I have ever heard of anyone serving time for voter fraud. Sure hope that this is a new trend.

  3. jamesb

    just one of about 15 million biden voters.

  4. Kevin

    John – you crack me up!

    The NAACP Tweets “Pamela Moses, a Black woman, has been sentenced…” Who are the ones noticing or even paying attention to what the person looks like? The person broke the law and now should suffer the consequences. But if they play it right, maybe Ms. Moses and Senator Robinson can room together and fan each other’s victimhood!

    But if Maddow is so outraged, why isn’t she cashing in some of her pasty “white privilege” and offering to trade places with Ms. Moses?

  5. Chris

    This makes me very happy

    She knew what she was doing

  6. John

    For the first time in my life, I will agree with the NAACCP <– that's not a typo, in that there are two justice systems in America – One for the likes of the Clintons, Soros, Comey, wealthy, privileged, and one for the rest of us.

    Congratulations Moses. You got caught breaking the law. Now do your time.

  7. Dr Ken

    Playing the race card is all too common. The woman lied, she voted illegally, what she did warrants the sentence rendered. This is not about race; it is about a deceitful liar who was caught. To the critics claiming a dual justice system that known white voters received a reduced sentence for the similar crime, state your substantiated facts. Your allegations have as much substance as cigarette smoke.
