Metro Nashville Council Passes Resolution Urging General Assembly to Reject Congressional Redistricting Plan, Considers License Plate Readers and Other Issues


Metro Nashville Council had their Tuesday meeting where they passed a resolution urging the General Assembly to reject the proposed congressional maps that split Nashville amongst three congressional districts. Council members also considered issues like license plate readers, redistricting, board appointments, settlements for property damages, approval of grant applications, zoning, and other expenditures totaling millions of dollars.

Councilmembers Zulfat Suara and Ginny Welsch late filed a resolution “urging the Tennessee General Assembly to reject the redistricting plan splitting Davidson County into three congressional districts.” The Rules Committee had no objection to the inclusion of the resolution. The resolution passed by voice vote, with one no, and three abstentions. There was no major discussion on the resolution.

License plate readers were also a major issue brought up at tonight’s council meeting. BL2021-961, a bill on second reading, is sponsored by councilmembers Courtney Johnston, Russ Pulley, Bob Nash, John Rutherford, Joy Styles, Jennifer Gamble, Tonya Hancock, Jonathan Hall, Gloria Hausser, Tom Cash, Thom Druffel, Kyonzte Toombs, Larry Hagar, and Brett Withers and is “An ordinance amending Section 13.08.080 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws to pertaining to the use of License Plate Scanner (LPR) Technology in the public rights of way.” It creates a six month pilot program.

It had six proposed amendments which caused a lot of discussion. A late filed amendment was approved and two amendments were withdrawn. It was the only ordinance on second reading. After a lengthy discussion, the question was moved. It initially failed to achieve the required two-thirds vote to move to a vote on the bill. More discussion ensued. Another question was called after discussion was apparently exhausted and the ordinance passed as amended by a vote of 22-11 and moves on to a third reading. Two councilmembers abstained.

Other items that were considered include:

RS2022-1328, sponsored by councilmembers Parker, Allen, Welsch and Styles, is “A resolution to approve the Second Amendment to a grant contract for constructing affordable housing approved by RS2019-1861 between The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, acting by and through the Metropolitan Housing Trust Fund Commission, and Affordable Housing Resources.” That resolution was approved by unanimous voice vote.

An ordinance on third reading, BL2021-1000, is sponsored by Councilmember Styles and is “An ordinance to amend Title 17 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws, the Zoning Ordinance of The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, by cancelling a portion of the Hickory Hollow Planned Unit Development Overlay District for property located at 5256 Hickory Hollow Parkway, approximately 530 feet southwest of Mt. View Road, zoned SCR (12.11 acres), all of which is described herein (Proposal No. 1-74P-014).” That ordinance was removed from the consent agenda.

The councilmembers also had some good natured banter over the results of the National Championship Game.

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Aaron Gulbransen is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network.



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7 Thoughts to “Metro Nashville Council Passes Resolution Urging General Assembly to Reject Congressional Redistricting Plan, Considers License Plate Readers and Other Issues”

  1. […] their previous meeting, Metro Nashville Council voted to pass a resolution voicing their opposition to the new […]

  2. Mark Knofler

    Ha hahahaha, losers! Of course they passed a “resolution”, poor babies!

  3. jamesb

    just looking at the picture tells me one thing. nashville has to many council members. needs to half.

  4. 83ragtop50

    Isn’t it a pleasure to listen to rats squeal?!!

  5. rick

    If Democrats do not have their edge to win every time it’s not fair, democrats care about no one but, their power of being in office, the chance of getting the insider info and being on the right side in a two tier legal system that gives preference . The democrats that have run Nashville because of the liberal’s that are here have about run Nashville into the ground. A complete regime change or flush is needed. You are only elected in Nashville only if the Nashville swampcrats give their approval ! One party any party in charge to long is the road to corruption!

  6. Tim Price

    Just Democrats wanting to maintain their sphere of power!

  7. Truthy McTruthFace

    must be scared they’ll lose jim pooper
