Metro Nashville Middle School Students Threaten Walkout Over Staff Cuts

Some students and parents at Croft Middle Design Center, a part of Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS), threatened a walkout on Monday over potential staff cuts to the school.

The concerned parties told WZTV the staff cuts would eliminate a key support system for the students.

However, according to MNPS officials, the cuts are connected to a plan to move individuals in 5th grade to elementary schools; therefore, the school’s enrollment would drop. Specifically, 18 positions will be cut.

Based on the school district’s estimate, the transition will operate over the next four years.

According to a letter from the school’s principal, a note promoting the walkout did not provide full context for the decision.

“The letter did not contain accurate information about personnel and budgetary decisions for next school year. I would like to take the opportunity to invite you to our next PTO meeting on May 10th where I will share information about next year’s staffing and programs based on our recently approved budget. Let me know if you’d be interested in a virtual option, as we can provide that as well. You can rest assured that while some of our staff positions will transfer to elementary schools next year, as our 5th grade classrooms transition back to our elementary feeder schools, all current Croft programs, including all athletic programs, will continue in 2022-2023,” a letter from principal Jeremy Lewis to families read.

“The other troubling suggestion the letter made was that students should do a walkout on Monday. Please know that if students leave school without permission and parents do not sign them out, their absence will be counted as unexcused. Additionally, any disorderly conduct that disrupts school operations will be handled compassionately but firmly, in accordance with the student handbook.”

However, in an announcement on Monday morning, Lewis did not address the potential walkout.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Croft Middle Design Center” by Ardee Chua Photography.

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2 Thoughts to “Metro Nashville Middle School Students Threaten Walkout Over Staff Cuts”

  1. Janet Mabry

    It was very much student driven. They realized them signing the petition to keep the Coaches wouldn’t count because they’re not 18 so they looked for another way to be heard. You are saying things as facts but based on opinion.

  2. Concerned

    The “virtual schooling” concept does not work. Take, for example, California student academic test results. The students are failing, almost 22% did not achieve grade expectations. Students need to be in class and taught by qualified and competent teachers. Don’t misunderstand what I am saying, there are many very well qualified teachers, and we would have more if they were adequately and appropriately compensated. Back to the point of students “walking out in protest”. That is not a student driven behavior, that is driven by parents. Students who walk out should be classified with unexcused absences. Depending on the school system, 5 unexcused absences could result in a referral to the truant officer or even the DA. The parents need to get their children to school and support both the school and the teachers. Enough of this woke nonsense, it is time for common sense.


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